Understanding divine visitation

Egypt represented slavery, bondage, lack, poverty, sorrow, working in vain, oppression and other forms deprivation. Therefore, every oppression and sorrow in your life will be terminated during this programme, in the name of Jesus! Every lack in your life will be terminated during this programme, in the name of Jesus!Leviticus 23:7, “On the first day […]

Understanding divine visitation
Understanding divine visitation

Egypt represented slavery, bondage, lack, poverty, sorrow, working in vain, oppression and other forms deprivation. Therefore, every oppression and sorrow in your life will be terminated during this programme, in the name of Jesus! Every lack in your life will be terminated during this programme, in the name of Jesus!
Leviticus 23:7, “On the first day of the festival, all the people must stop their regular work and gather for a sacred assembly.” This solemn assembly is a time of special divine visitation.
1Samuel 2:21(a), “And the LORD visited Hannah, so that she conceived, and bare three sons and two daughters.” Barrenness was eliminated from the life of Hannah and she ended up with five children!
God is about to visit you and give you an abundance of everything you lacked, in Jesus name!
Divine visitation is a season of heightened awareness of the divine presence. God is present all the time but this season makes us more aware of that presence for our benefit.
When God visited Solomon, he was blessed with wisdom and wealth of unprecedented magnitude 1Kings 3:5-13.
The ANNUAL GATHERING OF SHINING STARS (AGSS) is a HOLY CONVOCATION designed to put an end to poverty and disgrace in your life. It is a divine visitation at the nation’s capital Abuja.

10 Things To Expect In Divine Visitation
1. Time of divine visitation is the time of great sacrifice.
2. Long standing problems are solved cheaply.
3. Tears are wiped away and frustration gives way to celebration.
4. When there is divine visitation, prayers are answered. 1Sam 2:21.
5. When the Lord visits, God’s promises and prophecies are fulfilled.
6. When God visits, abundance is released.
7. Vital keys for receiving and enjoying your allocation are passed to you by God’s prophet and ministers ordained by God for the hour. Kingdom Keys are handed to children of God to distinguish them and make them successful.
8. When there is divine visitation, deliverance is inevitable; the works of darkness are destroyed, miracles, particularly difficult ones, take place and destinies are restored and fulfilled.
9. When there is divine visitation, God’s enemies are destroyed- Isaiah 26:14; 29:6.
10. When there is divine visitation, there is restoration- Ezekiel 38:8.
The AGSS is therefore not a usual Church Service but a special divine PROPHETIC AGENDA to launch the saints into their inheritance. You receive your allotment of the aspect of your destiny that is due.

7 Days UNINTERRUPTED Anointing
It is a time where everything standing between you and your inheritance is removed through seven days UNINTERRUPTED anointing and the booster PERFECTION ANOINTING on the last day. Just as the children of Israel marched round Jericho for seven days and seven times on the last day and the walls of Jericho collapsed, so shall walls collapse before you! Naaman had to dip himself seven times in the River Jordan for him to be healed of leprosy. This is the time to be SOAKED in the ANOINTING of STARS and CHAMPIONS for seven days. You will enter into your rest on the seventh day even as God rested on the seventh day Gen 2:3.
Join thousands of people to begin your year with 7 days of powerful exposition of the Word of God, anointing and breakthrough prayers.

Topics to be considered include:
• Unveiling The Biblical Secret Of Financial Greats. What made America’s first billionaire and others?
• Putting An End To Barrenness
• Connecting With Your Helpers Of Destiny For Uncommon Greatness. Find out the man you must not miss in life.
• Building Multiple Streams Of Income For Greatness.
On the last day, 7 ministers will anoint each person for Uncommon Greatness in the year.

The Passover feast was celebrated for seven days Ex 12 and 13. This gathering was so important that God prescribed the place where it should be held. It did not take place just anywhere; God chose the place. “15Seven days shalt thou keep a solemn feast unto the LORD thy God in the place which the LORD shall choose:” Deut 16:15. This is the place!

The Passover Sacrifice
One of the distinctive features of the Passover was the Passover sacrifice. After the Passover, the children of Israel were delivered from over 400 years of bondage. They came out loaded with wealth and the Bible says none of them fell sick either. They were supernaturally healed and kept in health. “He brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes.” Psalm 105:37
You will emerge from this programme with great wealth, in Jesus name!
You will emerge from this programme without any trace of sickness in your body, in the name of Jesus!
Death passed them over. Sickness passed them over. Poverty came to an end.
It is a time for breaking into new levels of revelation, wealth and promotion. It is a time for receiving divine assistance to overcome difficult obstacles in your life and remove hindrances to destiny manifestation. This is the time to tap into the very strong anointing to destroy foundational and generational problems and curses for unlimited and uncommon all-round breakthrough, wealth and promotion.
This is the time when the glory cloud shifts to Abuja, the centre of the nation and the nation’s capital, for TRANSMISSION of COVENANT BLESSINGS to the saints across the nation.

You Have To Be There
You must then be present for the 7 DAYS OF WONDER (Jan 26-Feb 1, 2015) to take delivery of your own allocation. No one can collect yours for you. God is stirring the water; no one can jump in for you. No one dipped himself in the River Jordan for Naaman to be healed (2Kings 5:14). He had to go in by himself seven times and he received his miracle. Your physical presence and participation is a requirement.
Come With Your Written 10 Prayer Requests. Come with family and friends.
Have a great week filled with joy and laughter, in Jesus name!
Dr. Charles Olowojoba is the President of Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l and Bishop-Elect of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide,  e-mail: [email protected]  website: dayspringcmi.org