Change and leadership

“The only constant thing in life is change” According to “leadership is both a research area and a practical skill encompassing the ability of an individual or organization to ‘lead’ or guide other individuals, team or entire organisations”. US Academic environment define leadership “as a process of social influence in which a person can […]

Change and leadership

“The only constant thing in life is change”

According to “leadership is both a research area and a practical skill encompassing the ability of an individual or organization to ‘lead’ or guide other individuals, team or entire organisations”. US Academic environment define leadership “as a process of social influence in which a person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task”.

Elections are means by which political choices of citizens are done by voting, they are used in the selection of a leader {representatives}, and determination of local, state and national issues affecting the country or the legal Industry as the case may be during the election period. During this period, fellow citizens/legal professionals who consider themselves worthy to steer the wheel of affairs as it affects the electorate put themselves out to be elected by majority of the electorates.

Hitherto, election of leaders in Nigeria was based on the account balance of an individual, and not based on professional representation leading to the decaying standard of the Nigerian system as it is today. The role of a leader in a society is a significant, sensitive, and important position that determines the path of a society. It is the leader’s responsibility to lead his/her people towards a particular path be it positive or negative. A famous example is the North Korean military communist dictatorship in an era of free will.

In the same vein, Nigerian leaders from all works of life be it public or private determine the path of its followers, and if majority of the populace are lured to elect a wrong leader, then it is inevitable that the country/profession will tow the wrong path. The recent administration in its fight against corruption has helped reduce looting by public office holders, now Nigerians are extra careful when embezzling public funds, which goes to show that the path a leader chooses is the same path his people ought to follow.

In my humble opinion, for a meaningful change to happen in Nigeria, the electorates ought to exercise their franchise by registering to be eligible to vote, then exercise such franchise by voting the right candidates into office, not based on religious or ethnic difference, but rather based on merit and competence of the candidate vying for such elective positions. It is a common incidence in this country for electorates to be easily swayed by cash gifts and elect leaders not competent or lack the necessary capacity to deliver on the job. When such leaders eventually succeed in an election, they hold the country to ransom for their term of years, enriching themselves and immediate family with public funds, with very minimal infrastructural development that would positively affect the lives of Nigerians.

It is important to note at this point that one need not hold a public office before he/she can lead a set of people. Even in our immediate environment an individual with leadership abilities can lead his family, friends and neighbourhood by setting a path for his/her community to follow. We have class captains, house masters/mistress, school prefects, Association and professional bodies president and executive committee et al. In almost every cranny of the country.  To my mind, change and leadership are Siamese twins, meaning, change and leadership are not the same thing in definition, but in applicability, one cannot be achieved without the other.

Success cannot be achieved without the help of others, for a leader to represent the interest of the people and not personal interest; he/she must be ready to put the people first before self, he/she ought to be motivating, inspiring, honest, trustworthy, creative, transparent, positive minded, and accountable to the people. 

The future of Nigeria lies in the hands of the youth, who are the leaders of tomorrow, hence the responsibility lies on the shoulders of the young generation to rebrand, re-invent, re-package, and re-construct a Nigerian society with morals and discipline that would cater for kids alive, and those yet unborn.  

It is my believe that change begins from an individual {me and you}. It then behoves on me and you to make positive impact in our immediate societies by exhibiting qualities of a good leader, and elect leaders based on competence, and nothing more. 

‘A leader cannot lead independent of his/her followers.’ 
