Kano’s blind teacher, Abdulhamid, marries normal girl

A popular blind teacher in Kano State, Dahuru Idris Abdulhamid, has married his lover, Maimunatu Sa’idu, in Zakirai town in Gezawa LGA. After the payment of a N50,000 dowry, the wedding fatiha took place on Sunday in the residence of the bride and was attended by hundreds of well-wishers, relatives and a large turnout of […]

Kano’s blind teacher, Abdulhamid, marries normal girl

Kano’s blind teacher, Abdulhamid, marries normal girl

A popular blind teacher in Kano State, Dahuru Idris Abdulhamid, has married his lover, Maimunatu Sa’idu, in Zakirai town in Gezawa LGA.

After the payment of a N50,000 dowry, the wedding fatiha took place on Sunday in the residence of the bride and was attended by hundreds of well-wishers, relatives and a large turnout of visually impaired people.

Abdulhamid, a Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) holder, became popular in 2021 after he was interviewed by Daily Trust on his struggles for education while serving as a volunteer teacher in a public school.

Following the report across multiple platforms on Daily Trust, a philanthropist who chose not to be named bought a brand new house valued at N2.7m for Abdulhamid. After that, the Kano State Government offered him a teaching job on Grade Level 07.


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Two years later, Abdulhamid fulfilled his dream of becoming a husband.

Speaking to City & Crime shortly after the wedding, Abdulhamid said the report by Daily Trust transformed his life and made him ready to take in a wife.

He said he met his life partner through her elder brother “who happens to be my friend. From there I realised that I have got a wife because of the way she accepted me despite my blindness.”

On how he will take care of his wife, he said, “Marriage is exchanging of ideas, needs and responsibilities. So, she has her own responsibilities and I have mine. I will try my best to deliver, and I pray Almighty Allah to guide me right.”

On her part, the bride said she felt the same way and was ready to handle all her responsibilities as a wife of a man with special needs.

She further said, “I loved him from the first day I met him and I will continue till eternity. I believe that God destined us to be together and I accept it with good heart. I will try my best to discharge my responsibilities. I will take good care of him and his entire family.”

Continuing with his education, Abdulhamid is now a 400-level student in political science at the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) on a scholarship by a former Vice Chancellor (VC) of NOUN, Professor Abdullah Uba Adamu.


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