‘Why we can’t vote next month’

Joyce Mamman Lawrence, 30, entrepreneur I did my voter’s registration in Onelga, Rivers State. Unfortunately, I’ve the temporary voter’s card but can’t access the permanent card. I am now married and have relocated to Abuja. My son again is someone that I can’t just start travelling with. So the arrangement is really difficult for some […]

‘Why we can’t vote next month’
‘Why we can’t vote next month’

Joyce Mamman Lawrence, 30, entrepreneur

I did my voter’s registration in Onelga, Rivers State. Unfortunately, I’ve the temporary voter’s card but can’t access the permanent card. I am now married and have relocated to Abuja. My son again is someone that I can’t just start travelling with. So the arrangement is really difficult for some of us that are married and have children. They are supposed to make it in such a way that one can access his card from any location. I believe they should have all these information in their data base.
If you present the temporal one, it should be able to lead them to the permanent card in any INEC office you visit across Nigeria and then they simply print it out since the data base is the same. Now am I expected to take myself and my son all the way to Rivers State to vote? The implication is that those that have changed location would be unable to vote because of this system. I think they should really look into this policy. I feel left out and disenfranchised for the fact that I am qualified to cast my vote but can’t.

Nasiru Malami, 38, trader

I don’t have the new permanent voter’s card. I had the old one before I lost my wallet few months ago. I went to get the new one but unfortunately they told me there was nothing they could do about it since I don’t have the old one anymore. I am calling on the government to do something about people like me with missing cards. Honestly I want to vote this coming election and by doing this, INEC isn’t being fair.

Rabiu Abdullahi, 35, meat seller

I have my voter’s card right here with me inside my wallet. I made sure all my family members and I registered and collected our cards before I came back to Abuja. It is our right to vote and in case the person we vote for doesn’t win or rather they rig elections, we can condemn the act and God will surely judge them for us. I registered in my hometown, Katsina and therefore, few days to the election I will go back home. I am pleading on behalf of other Nigerians that the government should extend the deadline even though I know the election date is just around the corner.

Mama Ikedi, 27, shop owner

My permanent voter’s card is ready. I am just waiting for election day to come. I registered here in Abuja and collected my card sometime in November. The government has given more than enough time, anyone that doesn’t get to register or collect his card before the deadline shouldn’t blame the government. Nevertheless, for the sake of peace to reign in the country, the government should still adjust the deadline so that people without it can meet up.

Larai Audu, 42, food seller

When they first introduced the voter’s card, I was in Nasarawa, so I registered there.  Recently, I went to many places, several times here in Abuja to register for a new one because I can’t go all the way to Nasarawa, but all my efforts proved abortive. I am struggling to make ends meet and don’t have the money for transportation to Nasarawa. I urge the government to please give us a chance to get it because I believe about 50 percent of Nigerians do not have it and we can’t just sit and fold our arms while we’re being denied our right to vote.

Umar Idris, 19

I registered for the old card in Kano but I can’t travel back to Kano just to get the card, especially with the harsh economic condition of our country. Since they are not issuing new ones here, I have given up, besides I don’t have to vote.

Muhammed Kano, 27, engineer

I purposely went back to my hometown, Kano, to get my permanent voter’s card and I also encouraged my family and friends to register and collect their cards to avoid being unable to vote next month. I think the government should look into the matter and give people a little more time so they can get the chance to register and vote in the forthcoming elections. If the government does that, it will be of great help to the people.

Grace Boboye Adelasoye, 30, entrepreneur

I registered in Anambra State; in 2011 when I was in school I voted in Awka. I later got married and relocated to Abuja. That is why I don’t have my voter’s card except for the temporary one. I am supposed to use it to get the permanent voter’s card. I learnt that is their requirement. But now this means I have to travel all the way to Awka in Anambra State. I have not made any attempt to do so because I have a child to take care of.