A gunrunning and money laundering nation

The court of law would usually determine a case based on the antecedents of the accused. What has he done in the past?  Oritsejafor; a self-confessed former armed robber, cultist and drug addict, who was probably too smart to be convicted, who may have killed several people in the past, but suddenly became a pastor, […]

A gunrunning and money laundering nation
A gunrunning and money laundering nation

The court of law would usually determine a case based on the antecedents of the accused. What has he done in the past?  Oritsejafor; a self-confessed former armed robber, cultist and drug addict, who was probably too smart to be convicted, who may have killed several people in the past, but suddenly became a pastor, has a very high chance, after making billions, of engaging in violence and supporting violence, on a grander scale. Moreso, he is now in a totally unregulated profession (church ownership), where every dick, tom and harry can wake up tomorrow and tell us they heard from God himself. No one, except the police, can even tell him to take off his rose-tinted glasses so that we can look directly into his real eyes and try to decipher what goes on in his mind! He generally floated to the top in Nigeria’s Christian hierarchy, and under him, we have known no peace.  Psychologists say your CHARACTER, is formed by 21. Every adult I know are today EXACTLY the way they were when they were 21. People really never change.
Add to this, the fact that since September 2011, Mr Oritsejafor urged the Federal Government to allow Christians bear arms and ammunition. Imagine such talk from a so-called Man of God?  At that time, we hadn’t this present big problem with Boko Haram. Who knows what transpired and if his wishes had since been granted under the table. The private jet in question, took off from the Presidential Wing of the Abuja Airport, where ordinarily only the president and big men like him should use. If it was a commercial flight, belonging to private citizens, why there? The flight landed in Lanseria Airport, not one of the major known airports of South Africa, with almost $10million on board, now seized by the SA government.  It is just too bad that at this same time, we are in the bad books of the SA Government as a result of almost 100 of their miracle-seeking citizens perishing under another Nigerian fraud in Ejigbo, Lagos State. Another ‘pastor’ did them in. When I hear that word today, it just amazes me. I think people should be ashamed of answering to that title. For every one in three Nigerian claims to be one, and you wonder where their sheep are.
The Federal Government then joined we ‘conspiracy theorists’, by pointing fingers at the USA (officially), for being the one frustrating their fight against BH, making them default to seeking arms and ammunition, from the black market. This is simply fantastic! When a federal government ADMITS to money laundering and illegal gun-running, all is lost.  
And the ‘lease’ story will just not stand because there is something called Due Dilligence, which is missing in this instance and should have been carried out by Oritsejafor before ‘leasing’ his $50million private jet, which he said he needed too badly because he didn’t want an hour delay in his ‘ministry’ when he was ‘gifted’ with it. Now, he leased it!  
The real issue though is that the Federal Government, and the ruling PDP, have since forever bandied accusations all over the place. They called the opposition APC, janjaweed party, Boko Haram Sponsor etc. They NEVER showed one shred of evidence or arrested anyone, as much as we the traumatized citizens begged them to.
Why then would the opposition not jump on this shred of evidence, given that the ruling party and the government, with all the apparatus of power and intelligence, at their disposal, still feigns ignorance and incapacity over the problem of terrorism that befell Nigeria in the last few years (starting with MEND Bombing of Nigeria’s 50th Independence Celebrations)?  If the government can only point fingers, making ZERO significant arrests, while tens of thousands of our people die, with a genocide/ ethnic cleansing in the land (ask Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch), with over 500,000 Nigerians in refugee camps in Chad, Niger and Cameroon, with vast amounts of lands (maybe 20% of Nigerian land mass) under ‘terrorist’ control, with over 5million people displaced, then what the opposition has here is a gem; a key supporter of government, who has expressed violent views, is linked to the importation of guns, which kills people, whether they are christians or muslims, northerners or southerners!
With the mad rush for private jets in Nigeria in the past few years – a fact the president himself has acknowledged when he spoke (quite rightly) about income disparity being our problem – is it just by luck that this was discovered? How many successful trips have these kinds of people made undetected, turning our beloved country into Armageddon? Note that a criminal is hardly caught the first time and this is by every means a criminal act. And oh, there is a reason why people invest in businesses that are totally ethical (no guns, no alcohol and so on).  Has Oritsejafor ever heard of ethical investments?
Meanwhile Fani-Kayode wrote, that countries often move such cash around. Why would they? And when they do, they never accept when caught. They are superpowers. Are we?  Remember Oliver North and the Iran-Contra Affair; a tri-national deal involving this Nigeria under Babangida?  The US Govt hung him out to dry. He was buying drugs from Nicaraguan Contras, whom he financed under a CIA covert arrangement. The drugs were routed through Nigeria under IBB, with pilots, air hostesses and government officials enjoying the cover of little checks to become drug couriers, making tons of money. Unfortunately, those drugs would eventually enter the USA and be sold in ghettos to further damage black people.  No self-respecting country would admit to being money launderers and gunrunners. This nation is officially a criminal nation by its own admission.
Also, it is a bit farfetched that the USA would not allow Nigeria buy arms, when they know that they will only open a lucrative business for China, Russia, Israel, even France, Germany, and the UK will be too happy to stab them in the back and sell to us. Moreso, some government information bearers have been posting pictures of brand new helicopters, fighter jets and so on. One wonders if those were bought in the black market too. Nigeria certainly had too many opportunities to be straight in its dealing. This fraud, is deliberate, and many would argue, the clandestine-ness is for the evil purpose of funneling more ammunition into the hands of the dreaded Boko Haram, or to keep the terrorism going.
The Israeli connection does not make anyone more confortable. Many foreigners live in this country illegally and do all sorts of things. Who is Eyal Meskal?  What right does he possess to live here? Is he MOSSAD?  Recall the president and his crew were recently on pilgrimage in Israel.  Our president has also shown much bias in using the pulpit of churches to make all sorts of pronouncements.  Meanwhile we hear many Churches in some parts of Nigeria have been stocking weapons. Is that true? Who supplied them? One day we shall be free of this evil spell.

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