A worthy reminder to all

‘Aren’t you biting more than you can chew Bint? You are on the prayer carpet ostensibly to recite the Quran after your prayer ended. Yet here you are, fiddling with your mobile phone, while the Holy Quran waits. Shouldn’t you be more respectful of it?’ Tahir asked, walking into my room. I had no idea […]

A worthy reminder to all
A worthy reminder to all

‘Aren’t you biting more than you can chew Bint? You are on the prayer carpet ostensibly to recite the Quran after your prayer ended. Yet here you are, fiddling with your mobile phone, while the Holy Quran waits. Shouldn’t you be more respectful of it?’ Tahir asked, walking into my room. I had no idea he was at the doorway until he spoke.
‘It’s not what you think hubby dearest. I was actually trying to kill two birds with a stone rather than bite more than I can chew.
My determination to read more chapters of the holy Quran, before this great month ends, was fuelled when I visited Little Bint in school and found out she was at the mosque reciting the Quran.
She told me she was more than halfway into the divine text and might be able to finish it before the month ends. I remember that she and Ummi accomplished it last year because Ummi was home throughout Ramadan and was able to inspire her. But with Ummi away on campus and LB in boarding school, I didnt expect her to make it a goal this Ramadan. So I felt quite proud of her and ashamed of myself because I am less than a quarter way gone.
Therefore I decided to gear up and read it every little chance I get, perhaps I might reach half way before the blessed season is over. But the moment I began to read, I received a whatsapp message and I stopped to read it. It turned out to be a beautiful sermon on the virtues of charity in Ramadan. I stopped the reading to share it to as many contacts as I can before I resumed my recitation.’ I explained.
‘Is there any Muslim who doesn’t know about the virtue of charity in Ramadan? You are just wasting your time preaching to the converted. You better resume your reading because you are not sending them anything new.’ He advised, turning to go.
‘May be its nothing knew but reminders are always beneficial, as the holy Quran says. Here, read it yourself. It’s so well said that you’ll understanding why I gave sharing it a priority.’ I urged, handing him the phone.