Africa may yet save the world! (3)

With The recent prosecution of multi-level wars across the globe, especially under our ‘brother’ Obama’s presidency, it has become evident that whatever strategy the USA is using, only creates more confusion, destruction, despondency and death, across the globe.  An emperor will be judged by the well-being of his subjects.  So if this is the era […]

Africa may yet save the world! (3)
Africa may yet save the world! (3)

With The recent prosecution of multi-level wars across the globe, especially under our ‘brother’ Obama’s presidency, it has become evident that whatever strategy the USA is using, only creates more confusion, destruction, despondency and death, across the globe.  An emperor will be judged by the well-being of his subjects.  So if this is the era of Emperor USA, it can be said that NONE of his subjects have prospered.  The contribution of the USA to the world, can be summarized as the propagation of selfishness, through capitalism, consumerism, greed and its sly offshoot – democracy!  Even the Brits did much better, at least unifying the world to a large extent, and at least occasionally, sincerely seeking to bring development to civilizations that they deemed backwards.  Through the British-dominated colonialism system, at least many African countries developed better health systems and learnt a few things about administration and governance. The USA on the other hand claims to be contributing to humanity, but takes back ten-fold, whatever it gives to the poor African countries.

For students of history like me, a fatal flaw of the white race is obvious. Having read about how perhaps millions of Africans were mown down using the Maxim Gun and other such early weapons of mass destruction by the marauding colonialists, from George Goldie to Cecil Rhodes, and how millions were mercilessly carted off to the plantations of the Carribeans and America, one cannot but conclude that they are more savage than the black man can ever be.  That is the truth.  And to add to that truth, we have recently seen that in spite of their claim to modernism, they see nothing wrong in feeding off the blood of other people just to get an advantage or pecuniary benefits.  That is why a Hilary Clinton will exclaim upon Gaddafi’s death ‘We Came, We Saw, He Died!’  Africans are traditionally more cautious.  African societies are still moralistic in spite of the incursion of television and its corrosive western influences.  That is why their gay marriage proposition will never fly here.

It is important to note however, that in spite of Africa’s morality, great incursions have been made into our psyche, and that we have no defenses against these incursions.  Africans abroad are worst affected.  The female-dominated world that is run in foreign countries have led to scenarios where many of our men are like fish out of water.  Many of our men living abroad are totally at the mercy of their wives or partners.  For that reason, many young Africans growing abroad refuse to marry.  The ones who marry are faced with scenarios where the wife commands the husband about the house like houseboys.  Husbands wake up in the morning to scrub floors and bathrooms, wash clothes and iron, yet after this virtual ‘castration’ of the man, many of their wives put them under immense pressure to ‘perform’ in the bedroom.  This influence, which is obtained from watching too many soap operas and talk-shows (from unmarried people like Oprah Winfrey), is making incursions into so-called middle class Nigerian homes as well.

Many of our men in diaspora are routinely locked out in the cold by their wives, and if any quarrel ensues, all the woman has to do is call the police and the man finds himself on the street while still paying the house rent or mortgage.  On the economic front, the deceptive system run in these western countries ensures that just like African countries, most families are in the vice-grip of consumer debt, paying unending mortgages and other bills without any hope of freedom.  The long and short of this is a declining birth-rate, and ultimately a declining population.  Many of the African men living abroad are today experiencing sterility due to these factors.  To add to this, in the USA and Europe, there is an explosion of Autism amongst African migrant families, which is not the case for children born in Nigeria.  Even in Nigeria, children of middle-class parents present more often with autism than children of the poor.  Does this have to do with the alleged vaccine contamination?  Well, our scientists are not bothering.

But this is what I think will happen:  The western governments, seized by some oppressive and evil streak, will not change until their people become vagabonds on the streets.  Over the years, many people will cave in under the hopelessness.  These people will rise up against the system.  Those poor boys who rioted in London and have been clamped in jail, will be released in time and will come back ten fold.  Civilisations, when nearing their end, never listen to words of wisdom. The world should be asking western governments ‘where did all the money you stole from Africa, South America, Asia and the Middle East go? How can you be so broke?’  Yes they should not be broke, but for the fact that a few big wigs are sitting on all the money and resources, and it is those big wigs that are now planning to reduce world population to just 150million.  In other words, they are tired of seeing poor people and want to put us out of our misery!

The unraveling of Europe and the USA in this manner, will however, not bring any reprieve to continents like Africa.  In fact, we are likely to enter into a cataclysm before them, because that is what those leaders of western countries plan for us exactly.  But I am consoled by our ability to keep producing and perpetuating our race.

Who, and what can save the world from the white man’s destruction?  Hmmm.  Firstly, white people, most of whom are victims of the web spun by their governments.  They are trying as we speak, as exemplified by Occupy Wall Street demonstrations.  But will they succeed?  Secondly, Russia, Brazil and especially China.  But as much as they have the power to stare down at the USA and Europe, have they not left things too late, as they watch governments in the Middle East fall like dominoes? Have they played the selfish game themselves, to a point where it leaves them bare and open to attack?  Time will tell.

The religion of Islam.  This would have been the most powerful and indestructible force, with over one billion worshippers globally.  But the leadership of Islam, as represented in the Arab world, has been hijacked and totally infiltrated by the USA, which has also cast Islam in the mold of terrorism.  That is why in spite of millions dead in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere, the so-called Arab league still allowed what happened in Libya and were quick to ‘sanction’ Syria.  It saddens.  Still by some stroke of luck, all the forces recounted above may come together to rescue the world.  Or the lowest of them all, Africa, may be called upon by God himself, to keep things going! Concluded.

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