An appeal to Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

The enumerators tried their best to help their fellow community members and captured

An appeal to Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
An appeal to Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

The Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) unveiled the Agriculture for Food and Jobs Plan (AFJP) in June 2020 to capture farmers/farms data through the FMARD-PACE enumerators.

This followed the approval and release, by the Presidency, of N600 billion for disbursement to farmers under the programme.

Each enumerator was promised N500 stipend.

The enumerators tried their best to help their fellow community members and captured as many farmers as they could but they are yet to be paid their stipend.

Later they were promised appointment as agricultural extension workers but that also has not been fulfilled.

The farmers who were also promised loans were left with hope for more than a year even though some of them received messages of being successful in the selection process.

They were assured of fertilizer subsidy and interest-free loan but they are still waiting.

The FMARD-PACE has become a mirage for the affected farmers.

It has been 15 months since the launch of the programme but there is nothing on the ground.

The enumerators who sacrificed their time, data and other resources for the sake of their fatherland and the farmers who are trying their best to feed their fatherland are left wondering and feeling hopeless.

It is sad that a government which claims to give priority to agriculture is treating farmers in this shabby manner.

I am calling all concerned to speedily do the best they can to fulfill the promise and the hope they have put into the farmers.


Abubakar Umar Gbs can be reached through [email protected]