An appeal to Plateau citizens

Being in a multi-ethnic and multi-religious environment, we shouldn’t misuse these great advantages

An appeal to Plateau citizens
An appeal to Plateau citizens

I want to use this medium to appeal to the great people of Plateau State to be peacekeepers, avoid engaging in conflict and stay in peace and harmony with one another irrespective of religion, ethnicity and party affiliation.

Though crisis is human, it’s time to bring this barbaric act of ours to an end and concentrate in rebuilding the state’s lost glory which is the “Home of Peace and Tourism”.

Being in a multi-ethnic and multi-religious environment, we shouldn’t misuse these great advantages against ourselves.

Plateau State is one of the most blessed states in Nigeria in terms of natural resources, tourism, fertile land, among other natural endowments that attract both local and foreign investors.

But as a result of recurring crises, both the local and foreign investors have stopped coming to the state, let alone investing their resources increasing the number of unemployed youths, who in turn become ready tools for violence.

Few years ago, the state used to be a centre of activities with many thriving industries ranging from mining, farming, blacksmithing and many other businesses.

But unfortunately, today nobody wants to come or pass through Jos; with the fear of being  killed or attacked which is causing the people a great loss in business.

Therefore, let us be peace lovers and do away with the existing differences among us by showing love and compassion to one another irrespective of our differences.

However, we should always seek to love not to control, learn to tolerate not to constrain, accept our differences not to reject as well as taking responsibility of whatever happens to us not to blame others. This will help us in rebuilding the one and only Plateau.

Finally, I am calling on all the concerned citizens in Jos and its environs to preach peace in all circumstances they find themselves. I also appeal to the government to do what is necessary to bring back peace to Plateau before things get out of hand.


Ukasha Rabiu Magama, Toro LGA, Bauchi State.