As the black race faces extinction

While President Jonathan declared his intention to contest for the next election, amidst much pomp and pageantry, I alternated between watching what went on at Eagle Square, and another of my documentaries, titled ‘Darwin’s Nightmare’.  What scares me is that Nigerians seek excitement at a time when we should all be contrite and even sad.  […]

As the black race faces extinction
As the black race faces extinction

While President Jonathan declared his intention to contest for the next election, amidst much pomp and pageantry, I alternated between watching what went on at Eagle Square, and another of my documentaries, titled ‘Darwin’s Nightmare’.  What scares me is that Nigerians seek excitement at a time when we should all be contrite and even sad.  We have become a nation, waiting to be ruled by comedians and musicians, when we should bury ourselves in serious research to dig out our souls from despair.  It is true that for too many centuries the black man did not adequately develop his science, and when he did, he did not separate what was magic, from myth, from science, from history.  Hence, it was easy to capture him, obliterate his history and science, and etch on the mosaic of time, the widely-held belief that he (the black man), is retarded.  Well I will relate to you what I found out in this fresh new documentary made by Hubert Sauper, a Swede-Belgian.

I recall watching on Al Jazeera TV some months back, a documentary about the use of Insect Bombs in the Korea war in the 50s, by the great USA.  In that war, natives of hinterland North Korea were surprised that some of the bombs dropped by the American jet fighters merely opened and some tiny insects flew out.  But soon, many started dying from Bubonic plague, typhoid fever, anthrax, yellow fever and all sorts – diseases which never existed amongst such people, and for which they had no local remedies or diagnosis.  They were called ‘germ bombs’.  I have also read how in the Vietnam War, the USA deforested a vast section of Vietnam, because the shoe-less Vietcong soldiers beat their Marines in the jungle.  The U.S Army had used two chemicals – Napalm (Naphtenic and Palmitic Acid), as well as another deadly one code-named ‘Agent Orange’, which both defoliated and burnt the forest.  Many children born afterwards, were deformed as a result of prenatal exposure to these chemicals.  Please go online and type in any of these issues on to verify my claims.
I actually part-rationalise the actions of the superpowers, because no ‘big man’ will sit idle and watch disrespectful minnows, especially ones who are not subtle in their mannerism (like Nigeria especially), to come and overtake and oppress it, just because they happen to have resources – which they (the underdeveloped country), have no idea how to extract but for the superpowers’ assistance anyway.  That is the crossroads that this world has found itself.  And Nigerians can generally be dancing away to the music of DBanj and Chris Hanen, and Mamman Shata Jnr, while the strategies of wiser countries destroy us!  Ignore these at your own peril.  But I will teach my loved ones what is happening; as many as are patient enough to listen to me.
‘Darwin’s Nightmare’ is the story of what is presently going on around Lake Victoria in Tanzania.  Around 50 years ago, someone introduced a certain specie of fish into Lake Victoria.  That specie, called the Nile Perch, has eaten up all the 240 other species in the Lake.  No one knows who did it 50 years ago.  But the Nile Perch fish, which usually grows very large, has good commercial value in Europe.  The alarming thing now is that the Nile Perch fish in Lake Victoria has started to eat its own young ones, and scientists predict that it may itself disappear from Lake Victoria, leaving that lake as a huge, useless black hole.  The problem for the Africans around the Lake Victoria, is that they do not really feel the impact of the fish they sell to the Europeans and hence they live in abject poverty, with the women turning to mass prostitution and the boys living on the streets as urchins.  If you think Nigerians are suffering, you will be shocked when you see this documentary.  The Niger Delta cannot hold a candle to this area around Lake Victoria when it comes to serious poverty!
Can you imagine that the people in whose waters the fish are caught cannot afford to eat fish?  Why because the Nile Perch specie is only exported to Europe.  So when the fish factories remove the flesh of the fish (called fillets), the natives are left with fish bones, which they then fry and sell in the market!  The fillets are way too expensive for a local to venture.  HIV/AIDS has ravaged the entire population of that region, and as they die en masse and from what I know today about Machiavellism and what nations do to stay on top, I am darn well sure that that HIV virus was introduced into Africa the same way someone introduced the Nile Perch in Lake Victoria 50 years ago.  What is to stop them?  Why do we think that because someone’s skin is ‘almost’ white then he has no capacity for evil?  It must be said however that most white people are decent, but the strategists amongst them have wrought too much havoc in Africa.  This subject, rather than how we will spend N87billion for the 2011 elections, is what has preoccupied me.  And it should concern you too, dear reader.

The interviewer talked at length with the Ukrainian and Russian pilots, who fly into one of the backwater airstrips in Mwasa, Tanzania, to come and load the fish.  500 tonnes of it is exported to Europe on a daily basis.  Little money is paid to the locals, as is the case with ALL COMMODITIES, including crude oil.  One of the pilots confess at the end of the documentary that when coming into Africa, the airplanes load up with arms and ammunition.  He recalled lifting two armoured tanks into Angola, and then proceeding to Johannesburg to lift grapes into Europe.  The Ukrainian pilot said a friend told him ‘Children of Angola received guns for Christmas, while European children received grapes’!
I also recall a DVD I bought from the UK recently, titled ‘Lord of War’, on which I will also do a write-up, God willing.  Starring Nicholas Cage, it is the story of how the prime customer for all the arms and ammunition sold in this world, are black African countries.  Nick Cage averred in that movie that ‘Arms dealers will inherit the Earth, because all the others are too busy killing themselves’.  As black Africans antagonise each other, divided along tribal and religious lines, and fail to see the big picture, there are too many other peoples waiting to inherit our fertile land.  Like the Ukrainian pilot also said, which made me weep; ‘Africa brings life into Europe, through food… and young people, black people, going to work there… (but Europe sends back death – by way of subsidised weapons sold into Africa)’.  It is not surprising the amount of madness, killings we are seeing in our country today.  And there’s more to come, as we ‘depopulate’ our land for wiser people.  Goodluck!