Audit: 39 agencies failed to retire N2.2bn advances to federation accounts — Senate

This followed the report of the Senate Committee on Public Accounts on the account…

Audit: 39 agencies failed to retire N2.2bn advances to federation accounts — Senate


The Senate has said that 39 Ministries Departments and Agencies (MDAs) failed to retire about N2.2 billion advances to the federation accounts in 2014.

The Red Chamber, in its resolution, demanded the sanctioning of accounting officers of the affected MDAs in accordance with the provision of Rule 3124 of Financial Regulations.

This followed the report of the Senate Committee on Public Accounts on the account of the federation for the year 2015.

The panel, chaired by Senator Matthew Urhoghide, based its findings on the 2015 report of the Auditor-General for the Federation.

Agencies involved in the alleged infractions are Ministry of Information, Budget Office, Ministry of Interior, National Industrial Court, Ministry of Communication and Digital Economy, High Court of Justice, FCT, Sharia Court of Appeal, National Planning Commission (NPC), Federal Ministry of Water Resources.

Others are Federal Ministry of Culture and National Orientation, Public Complaints Commission, Federal Civil Service Commission, Bureau of Public Service Reforms, Nigeria Immigration Office, Police Service Commission.

The committee, in its report, said “Some MDAs showed increase in outstanding advances to the tune of N2,296,567,084.37 over 2014 comparative figures and others showing no movement contrary to the provisions of the extant regulations which require prompt retirement of advances.

“The above implies that there is a violation of Financial Regulations (2009) Nos.1404, 1405, 1416, 1419 and 1420 which require prompt retirement of advances.

“The MDAs that had previous year advances that were not retired were granting additional advances. The huge outstanding advances imply a breakdown of internal controls over the issuance of advances.

“The non-retirement of advances as and when due should be addressed by the Accountant-General of the Federation with strict sanctions.”