Bayelsa athletics association organises training for teen athletes

The Bayelsa State Athletics Association has begun coaching clinics for over 200 aspiring young track and field athletes to prepare them for stardom. Powered by the SamKay Athletics Academy in partnership with the association, the two-day clinic holding at the Main Bowl of the Samson Siasia Sports Complex in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State is featuring talks […]

Bayelsa athletics association organises training for teen athletes

map of yenagoa bayelsa state

The Bayelsa State Athletics Association has begun coaching clinics for over 200 aspiring young track and field athletes to prepare them for stardom.

Powered by the SamKay Athletics Academy in partnership with the association, the two-day clinic holding at the Main Bowl of the Samson Siasia Sports Complex in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State is featuring talks on rudiments of athletics, nutrition and benefits of sports to economic well-being.

Founder and Chief Executive of the SamKay Athletics Academy, Dr. Kolawole Oredipe emphasised that the event was geared towards exposing young people to track and field events and produce future national and world champions.

Secretary of the Bayelsa State Athletics Association, Tari Bidei charged the young athletes to derive inspiration from the likes of Tima Godbless, from Aleibiri community in Ekeremor, who was discovered from schools sports and is making waves in sprints.

Renowned athletics Coach, Terry Maurice, himself a former marathoner in an orientation session challenged the aspiring athletes to exhibit a high level of discipline, dedication and self motivation to succeed in the sport.

Javelin Coach, Pius Bazighe who set a personal best of 81.08 metres on June 16, 1999 at a meet in Athens, Greece, urged parents to support their children to actualize their potential.