Prove your cars were stolen, Police dare Matawalle

The Police have dared ex-Governor Bello Matawalle of Zamfara State to prove that his cars were stolen. After the raid on his residences in Gusau and Maradun, Matawalle had claimed he was robbed. In an interview with BBC Hausa, the former governor had said, “I have never seen this kind of stupidity where someone’s house […]

Prove your cars were stolen, Police dare Matawalle

The Police have dared ex-Governor Bello Matawalle of Zamfara State to prove that his cars were stolen.

After the raid on his residences in Gusau and Maradun, Matawalle had claimed he was robbed.

In an interview with BBC Hausa, the former governor had said, “I have never seen this kind of stupidity where someone’s house will just be entered without any permission as if we are in a lawless country.

“I am in Abuja and nobody told me that any court gave that order or invite me and I refused to answer. The saddest thing is that, in my Gusau house, all my wives’ rooms were broken, even hijabs have been taken away. Stoves were all put in a car and taken away.

“In my Maradun house, they took away all campaign cars that people gave us as contributions, including those I bought in United States even before becoming governor, you know I was a car seller. I will not ask them to bring the cars back, everybody knows that I have cars. This is robbery, they entered everywhere in my houses, even my daughter’s wedding clothing materials (Kayan Lefe) were not spared.”

But in a statement on Saturday evening, ASP Yazid Abubakar, Police Public Relations Officer in Zamfara, challenged anyone who felt his items were stolen to come forward with evidence.

“The Command is currently investigating a Complaint of missing Zamfara State Government vehicles. Members of the public who have useful information about these missing vehicles are humbly requested to come forward with such information to assist the Investigation.”

“Persons who feel their vehicles were wrongfully attached while executing search warrants during the course of this investigation are advised to produce proof of ownership to claim such vehicles.

“Members of the public will be duly informed of the outcome of this Investigation and are further advised to desist from spreading false information to mislead the public which is capable of inciting disturbance that can attract arrest and prosecution.”