Allah, exalted be His Name, says in the Holy Qur’an Surah Tauba (Forgiveness) 9:51: “Qul lan yusibana illa ma katabal Lahu lana, Huwa Maulana. Wa alal Lahi fal yatawakkalil mu’minun” (”O Prophet, tell them, ‘Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has written for us; He is our protector;’ and in Allah let the […]


Allah, exalted be His Name, says in the Holy Qur’an Surah Tauba (Forgiveness) 9:51: “Qul lan yusibana illa ma katabal Lahu lana, Huwa Maulana. Wa alal Lahi fal yatawakkalil mu’minun” (”O Prophet, tell them, ‘Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has written for us; He is our protector;’ and in Allah let the believers put their trust.”)

Kano has joined the quarantined, locked-down states. From 10pm Thursday night, we have been at home. We have been directed to shut down for an initial period of one week, and may Allah make it easy for us during this weekend and the succeeding week. We have already been asking neighbouring ‘lockdown veterans’ in Kaduna and Abuja for guidance on survival, and the social media have been good resources.

So far, according to reports on some Kano-based media, by this morning the curfew appears to be holding (which is saying a lot for those who know the attitude of my people of Kano – that joke about ‘people going out to see if other people are going out’ is a perfect fit). One or two mosques had held their Jumu’ah prayers yesterday, clearly contravening the stay-at-home order, but generally all quiet on the Kano front.

(And, because Kano is the third ‘hometown’ of President Muhammadu Buhari after Daura and Kaduna, perhaps more palliatives will come this way over and above the N20,000 we hear is making the rounds, even though he still owes us two existential projects before he leaves in 2023 – the Kaduna-Kano Modern Rail Line and the Ajaokuta-Abuja-Kaduna-Kano (AAKK) Gas Pipeline. May Allah make them possible).

Now, back to our quarantine status.

Almost a millennium and a half ago, a companion of the Prophet, Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, said: “There will come tribulations in which one who is sitting [still, stationary, at home] will be better [off] than the one standing. The one standing will be better [off] than the one walking. The one walking will be better [off] than the one running. Whoever seeks [confronts] these tribulations will be destroyed by them. Whoever finds a place of shelter or refuge, let him take refuge in it.” (This Hadith is recorded by Buhari 6670 and Muslim 2886, indicating a Muttafaqun Alaihi Hadith, i.e. ‘agreed upon’ by both top Hadith Narrators, making its authenticity of highest grade).

Another companion of the Prophet, Uqbah ibn Amir, may Allah be pleased with him, also reported: “I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, what will save us [where is salvation]?” The Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said, ‘Control your tongue, let your house be enough for you, and weep for your sins.’” (Narrated by Tirmidhi 2406 and graded ‘sahih’ or authentic by great Hadith scholar Shaikh Albani).

The key phrases in these two Sayings of the Prophet (upon whom be peace) concerning trials and tribulations are that “One who is sitting is better off…”and “Let your house be enough for you.” These admonitions are eternal as they are universal – though unacknowledged, they are now being adopted and adapted all over the world, Muslim and non-Muslim alike.

We, Muslims, believe (and are highly elated) to find that Allah and the Prophet have laid out all we need to know about phenomena occurring in the past, in the present and in the future. It therefore makes one wonder why many in this world still have problem discovering the wisdom embedded in Islam, almost 1,500 years on. No wonder, then, that one of the most difficult phenomena for science and its pure adherents to follow, rationalise and explain (without resort to religion, even if tangentially) is this current Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Of course, Allah, exalted be His Name, has said in the Holy Qur’an Sura Baqara (Chapter of the Cow) 2:120 addressing Prophet Muhammad that: “Wa lan tarda ankal Yahudu wa lan Nasara hatta tattabi’a millatahum…” (“Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with you unless you their form of religion…”).

Many of us believe in science (and including all its conspiracy theories which, on this matter of COVID-19, include 5G, Lab Experiment, Chemical Warfare, Economic Supremacy Wars, etc). One thing we generally like about science is that it is supposed to be fair and unbiased. To achieve that, science is by nature extremely sceptical and critical – until all evidences have converged to prove some phenomenon. Again, inquiry is usually continued perpetually to ensure that the fact so established continues to stand.

That is why Islamicist scientists and philosophers such as Dr. Maurice Bucaille (who had the opportunity of seeing and reading about Islam when he worked in Saudi Arabia in the 1970s) established many scientific facts from the Qur’an in his seminal works on religion and science. He stands out conspicuously among many of his contemporaries.

And so, back to Kano. This is our second morning under lockdown. On Thursday, all the media carried the panic buying that happened all over Kano markets and shops. Many essential commodities were made out-of-stock in no time. One wonders how poor families are and will cope in this period of quarantine. But it is said, ‘Life First!’

As for my area, residents are ‘meeting’ (remotely, please, before you report us) to renew the Community Assistance Register of Widows, Orphans and People Living with Disabilities, all of whom abound aplenty in my area, your area, and all areas. The Assistance Register exists but needs to updated regularly for obvious reasons. The second aim of our ‘meeting’ is to distribute the local ‘palliatives’ we have been able to garner and gather. That we shall do before the President of the country and the Governor of the State and the Local Government Chairman of our area arrive with their own superior assistances, if ever.

Meanwhile, we STAY AT HOME based on the instructions of Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, as re-enacted by the Government.