Coronavirus: Best nutrients to boost your immunity

There are discussions that certain foods and supplements will protect you against the novel coronavirus. However, there is no evidence for that. Social distancing and hand washing are an exception: they remain the best practice for reducing the risk of contracting coronavirus. Caroline Apovian, Director of the Nutrition and Weight Management Center at Boston Medical […]

Coronavirus: Best nutrients to boost your immunity

There are discussions that certain foods and supplements will protect you against the novel coronavirus.

However, there is no evidence for that.

Social distancing and hand washing are an exception: they remain the best practice for reducing the risk of contracting coronavirus.

Caroline Apovian, Director of the Nutrition and Weight Management Center at Boston Medical Centre Business Insider, says, “If you’re in contact with coronavirus, it doesn’t matter how many oranges you eat, you’re going to get it.”

Therefore, the need to have a pre-existing strong immune system becomes imperative.

To help boost your immune system, here are basic vitamins you need

Vitamin C

This is usually the quickest aid to fight cold because it is an essential nutrient which fights unstable molecule known to damage the immune system. It produces white blood cell needed to boost your immunity quickly. It is also known to relieve stress.

Note that your body doesn’t produce or store it, therefore you need a daily intake of vitamin C for s strong immune system.

Vitamin C can be gotten from common fruits like orange, grapefruit, kiwi, papaya.

Others are red and green peppers, broccoli and strawberries.

Vitamin E

Research suggests that this is an essential immune booster especially for the elderly.

Vitamin E dissolves in fat and are found in many foods including vegetable oils, cereals, meat, avocadoes, almonds, eggs and peanuts butter.


Zinc often gets lesser attention as other vitamins and minerals, but our bodies need it to aid the proper function our immune cells.

You can get zinc from the following foods, oysters, baked beans, cashews, meat, shell fish, whole grains, nuts among others.


This nutrient help to regulate the immune system and can be found in some plants which converts into Vitamin A

Carotenoids can be found in carrots, kale, apricots, papaya, and mango.

Other immune booster you can consider include, garlic, ginger, turmeric,