Cowards, conmen and sadomasochists!

They had been warned, and the inaccuracy, immorality, ungodliness and inconsistency of their campaign, pointed out.  The illogic of the anti-Yar’adua campaign is what Obasanjo finished off in an anticlimax, viz: most Nigerians want Yar’adua to disappear so that what; so that Goodluck Jonathan will become president, right?  They want Goodluck to be declared ‘Acting […]

Cowards, conmen and sadomasochists!
Cowards, conmen and sadomasochists!

They had been warned, and the inaccuracy, immorality, ungodliness and inconsistency of their campaign, pointed out.  The illogic of the anti-Yar’adua campaign is what Obasanjo finished off in an anticlimax, viz: most Nigerians want Yar’adua to disappear so that what; so that Goodluck Jonathan will become president, right?  They want Goodluck to be declared ‘Acting President’, as if that will add to everybody’s gari immediately.  Perhaps it is the phrase ‘acting president’ that we have been searching for, in 50 years of our independence and underachievement.  Goodluck, wise man, is keeping mute on the whole issue.

Anyhow, the Trust Group invited Nigeria’s chief tormentor, Mr Obasanjo, to come and make a speech, and amid his usual sexually-oriented lewdness, he let it be known that Yar’adua should ‘tow the path of honour’ and resign.  I aver that Obasanjo does not know what ‘honour’ looks like, even if it wakes up next to him every morning.  He lied through his teeth by on one hand stating he didn’t know of Yar’adua’s existing health issues, but that he knew the latter was on dialysis.  He pranced and preened about, basking at the undeserved, even if revealing, exposure that Daily Trust afforded him.  At the end of the day, he displayed what he is – a coward and back-stabber, and he symbolically revealed the folly of Falana, Soyinka, Bakare etc’s campaign.  He even lied that he left 4,000 megawatts of electricity.  Haba!

It became obvious, except if the so-called intellectuals and civil society want to bury their heads in the sand, that Yar’adua is not the problem.  Indeed he is one of the solutions.  But there they were, trampling on the man in his moment of vulnerability.  It is cheap, and I make bold to claim the moral and intellectual high ground from these people, because I warned.  If they continue with the ‘civil disobedience’ that they proffer, they are simply playing into Obasanjo’s hands.  The ‘animal called man’ has declared in no uncertain terms that he owns Goodluck Jonathan and is aching to come back into government for his erstwhile vanquished third term. Someone should ask who was planted in Aso Rosk, to poison off Yar’adua, so that they can hide under some phantom kidney problem.  

Does it not stand to reason that a man who presented a certificate taking him off dialysis should have good health for a number of years?  The whole of Nigeria will one day come back to my theory on Yar’adua, who I believe is being eliminated the same way his brother, Shehu, was taken out, and I state unequivocally that the Northern intellectuals and political class will one day regret not at least supporting one of their own, and the best we have probably got in this country so far, till the end.  My support for Yar’adua stems from his vulnerability.  I can never trample on a man at his weakest point.  Many of those flexing muscles today were among those who genuflected to General Abacha when he was alive, only to start talking rubbish once the man was dead.  Could all these protests have gone on in Obasanjo’s time without being brutally quelled?  But now they get police protection.  Hmm, a government usually takes on the mindset of its leader.  

What we lack as a people is the ability to introspect.  We tend to ask of others what we ourselves are not capable of – things like excellence, open-mindedness, tolerance, probity, honesty, democracy etc.  Pastors who daily rip-off unsuspecting church members are jumping on the bandwagon to create a ‘monster’ out of a hapless Yar’adua.  They should ask themselves ‘WHAT WOULD JESUS HAVE DONE IN THE YAR’ADUA MATTER, IF HE WAS WITH US NOW?’  Would he have asked for the head of Yar’adua? How many times did God intervene in the affairs of man by using the most unlikely of people – frail, beggarly people, who are angels in disguise?  If Jesus came to us today, we will kill him in a manner more bizarre than the Jews did!  Did the Jews not ask; can anything good come out of Nazareth, just like we in the South ask in our ignorance if anything good can come out of the North?

It is intriguing that Bakare, Falana, Obasanjo and Soyinka are now in the same boat.  I pity my former pastor, Bakare, whose church is the only one I ever really enjoyed attending before I quit Christian ‘pente-rascality’, as he used to call it, altogether. Professor Wole Soyinka too should have slept over the matter before embarking on protests against the victim, while playing into the hands of the villain.  As I write, Mr Falana, firebrand lawyer, has posted a statement telling Obasanjo to tell his tales to the marines.  How come they didn’t know that they were acting Obasanjo’s script all the while?  

Apart from cowards masquerading as democrats, there are those who are experiencing serious hard-times in Nigeria, simply because they thought the days of wastage will continue forever.  Top ex-bankers who lost their jobs, contractors who are feeling the pinch since the comparatively frugal Yar’adua came in.  They are the ones who will tell you how Tanimu, Ruma, Yayale and Turai, are the only ones ‘eating all the money’!  They are complaining for not being given opportunity to ‘eat money’ too, not because of the collective.  Yar’adua’s policy has been exceedingly challenging to my business, but I understand, for he is doing the right thing.  I am not vouching for Tanimu et al, but I KNOW that the looting going on is perhaps a tenth of what went on in Obasanjo’s era.  This week, a former ambassador, PD Cole wrote in the Guardian that over $200million was paid to foreign companies to supply DRONES to monitor our pipelines, but the money simply disappeared and was shared by big wigs.  That is the hallmark of Obasanjo era. NEVER AGAIN I say!

Then there are the sadomasochists.  Nigerians sadden themselves by the unnecessary expectations from government.  But we have to start thinking for ourselves.  For example, our local engineers can maximise and standardise SOLAR PANELS and generate electricity so that we stop talking about NEPA.  Our regions can come together and solve problems that are peculiar to them – crime wave in the East, al-majiri issue in the North, area boys and cynicism in the West, rather than look for a devil (Yar’adua this time) to heap all the blame on.  Welcome back when you’re back, Mr President.  Keep trying your best.