DNA Labs Abuja expands to medical clinics

DNA Labs, a health facility in Abuja in the FCT, has expanded its services to a full-fledged clinic, offering diverse services like orthopaedics, gynaecology and endocrinology. Speaking during the reopening and rechristening ceremony of DNA Labs and Clinics yesterday, the founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Zakaria Imam, said the state-of-the-art facility now housed specialists […]

DNA Labs Abuja expands to medical clinics

DNA tests

DNA Labs, a health facility in Abuja in the FCT, has expanded its services to a full-fledged clinic, offering diverse services like orthopaedics, gynaecology and endocrinology.

Speaking during the reopening and rechristening ceremony of DNA Labs and Clinics yesterday, the founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Zakaria Imam, said the state-of-the-art facility now housed specialists across all areas of medical care.

He said the clinic was also collaborating with top-notch foreign specialists from around the globe to offer telemedicine services.

He explained that, “Our goal is to reduce medical tourism and bolster our healthcare system right here in Nigeria. So, if you ever thought about travelling abroad for a check-up, you might just save your frequent flyer miles.”

He said DNA Labs began its journey as an indigenous biotechnology company in Nigeria, specialising in genetic testing, medical laboratory services and research.

He further said that during the COVID-19 pandemic, DNA Labs became the first private laboratory approved by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) to conduct the COVID-19 PCR testing, noting that, “We tested about 60,000 individuals, proving that not all heroes wear capes – some wear lab coats.”

He added that the facility was committed to providing exceptional medical care and improving the health of the community.

The pioneer Chief Medical Director (CMD) of the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital (UATH), Dr Nandu Durfa, said expanding the facility to a clinic was a good development as it would help reduce medical tourism to other countries.

He noted that Nigerians often faced delays and financial hurdles while trying to access medical care abroad.

While commending the CEO of DNA Labs, Dr Dumfa said the services the facility boasted of would enable treatment of difficult cases in Nigeria instead of referring them overseas.