Expectation is key to receiving

Acts 3:5 “5And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them.”  A crippled man was healed when he paid attention to the servants of the Lord- Peter and John. Expectation is the breeding ground for miracles!  Expectation qualifies you for receivership. It separates you. It transfers you from the masses who need […]

Expectation is key to receiving
Expectation is key to receiving

Acts 3:5 “5And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them.” 

A crippled man was healed when he paid attention to the servants of the Lord- Peter and John.

Expectation is the breeding ground for miracles! 

Expectation qualifies you for receivership. It separates you. It transfers you from the masses who need miracles…to the chosen who receive them. Expectation is proof of faith. Hebrews 11:6, “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” 

Impossible things happen to those who expect them to happen. “For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith,” (Mark 11:23). 

You read the story of Blind Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46-52. He was always at the gate. Faith brought him to the gate daily, but Expectation caused him to receive a miracle. 

We read about his bold faith when he yells for Jesus to have mercy on him. Crying may get you attention, but it takes faith and expectation to get you a miracle. 

We often overlook the significance of his garment. During those times, beggars were issued government clothing signifying they were legitimately disabled. It labelled them for all to know and recognize their need. As Bartimaeus cried out to Jesus, it says he threw aside his garment! What he was saying was, “I know I can’t see yet, I know I’m not healed yet, but if Jesus is anywhere in my vicinity, I’m casting this away, fully expecting that I will never go back to that life of begging again. Jesus is going to give me a miracle today.” Now that is the power of expectation! 

You can have Faith without expectation, but you can’t have Expectation without Faith. Understand that faith has to come first before expectation can exist. If you don’t believe that it’s the will of God for you to be healed, to be delivered, to prosper, to live life abundantly then it’s highly doubtful you’ll expect to be healed, to be delivered, to prosper, or to live life abundantly. Expectation is built on faith, but faith doesn’t imply expectation is there. 

Expectation of manifestation is the proof that you believe you have received.

Likewise, when you give you must believe that your harvest has been released and you are expecting it to manifest. Proverbs 24:14 say, “…there shall be a reward, and thy expectation shall not be cut off.”  

Expect your seed to produce a bountiful harvest. 

Many years ago, lots of women where gathered in the Obstetrics & Gynaecology section of the hospital. In order to separate them, an announcement was made. All expectant mothers please come to the right. Less than half of the women moved to the right. What made them expectant mothers? They were carrying something that would come out at the fullness of time. How many people know that they are carrying something here today? 

Every woman that was pregnant knew it. They had symptoms, they felt funny. 

They walked carefully because they were carrying something precious. A look at their abdomen showed protrusion in some and nothing in others. 

Some pregnancies where obvious but the younger ones were not. You may not look like a millionaire right now but you are carrying the seed of a millionaire!

The heavier ones had stretched and swollen stomachs. The stomach has to stretch to accommodate the child within. God stretches you to give you more. He calls for more seed, more commitment and dedication; more prayer, sometimes for sacrifice, etc.  

Here is the key, they did something that clicked. A patient missed her period and came to the clinic. I decided to investigate her for pregnancy first but she told me not to bother because she did nothing. Those who have planted nothing should expect nothing.

Have you been tithing, sowing precious seeds, or serving? Your seed has clicked. Expect to receive a bountiful harvest.  

Why Is Planting A Seed So Important?

• Your seed registers your consent to the Word of God.

• Your seed registers your faith in God’s methods. 

What should you expect to manifest? Be careful what you expect.

Psalm 126:6 “He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.”

Expect the covenant blessings to manifest. Always expect a higher level of the blessing to manifest. May you experience a blessing explosion in your life! Expect the favour of God to manifest. Expect your harvest to manifest. Expect the answers to your prayer to manifest. Expect your healing to manifest. Expect the defeat of your enemies to manifest. Expect all blessings pronounced over you here to manifest. Expect your breakthrough to manifest. Expect grace for greater things to manifest. Think big. You don’t experience big things thinking small.

Always expect grace to serve God, grace to pray, study the Word, love the unlovable, grace to give etc. 

It is not everyone that expects that receives. Some pregnancies are aborted for various reasons. It is a well known fact that certain things are dangerous to a growing foetus. Do everything possible to protect what you are carrying. Keep yourself pure.

I see your breakthrough. I see your miracle coming. I see your harvest flowing in, in Jesus name. 

Whenever you come to church expect to have an encounter with God and be saved. Where two or three are gathered together in my name…Expect to be delivered and cleansed. Expect to be healed. Expect to be blessed with peace, joy, prosperity, with a good family, social life, etc. Expect to be equipped and empowered to serve. Don’t live to be served, live to serve. If you ask Dangote what he loves doing, he will say he loves serving people with what they need. Expect people to be converted when you preach Christ to them. Be ready to endure if they ridicule you. Expect to live long and make heaven.  

Where do your expectations come from? Do they come from those around you, or from the Word of God? Are you trying to gain the approval of your boss, friend, neighbour, mother-in-law…? Are your expectations for the future based upon past experiences? That’s a very limited perspective. None of us understands all that God did to bring us to the moment we are living right now. Don’t limit a limitless God. 

Build up your expectation by searching God’s Word.

God’s Word is the building block for the glorious destiny you desire. 

Expectation is acting as if your miracle has already happened. Organize your life around your expected miracle. Plan it. Talk it. Believe it.

Begin to expect the goodness of God to flow over every portion of your life like a great tidal wave of blessing. Let His goodness and love, His miracle- working power flood your life like never before. 

In summary, It is your longing that becomes your belonging. It is your petition that becomes your possession. Someone said this and in I like it. “What you don’t expect you don’t experience.

What you don’t desire you don’t deserve. If you don’t know what you want, you may die in want.

Expectation (hope) is the switch to proofs.”

Get ready! Great things are on the way!  

Bishop Dr Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l.