Family planning network gets new head

Julia White has been announced as the new director of the Global Family Planning Visibility and Analytics Network. The Global FP VAN is “intended to be a shared platform to capture and use supply chain data from multiple sources and organizations to provide enhanced visibility for decision making.” According to John Skibiak, Director of the […]

Family planning network gets new head
Family planning network gets new head

Julia White has been announced as the new director of the Global Family Planning Visibility and Analytics Network. The Global FP VAN is “intended to be a shared platform to capture and use supply chain data from multiple sources and organizations to provide enhanced visibility for decision making.”

According to John Skibiak, Director of the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition (RSHC) who made the announcement at the 18th General Membership Meeting, of the Coalition, in Brussels, Belgium, White has been in the RSHC team for just over a year.

He said, “She has been responsible for backstopping the Market Development Approaches Working Group within the coalition. As we were getting started on the FP VAN I proposed she took on the responsibility of coordinating and steering the development of this work in writing the original proposal to the Gates Foundation, to really sort of choreographing all of the work that is taking place within the VAN.

“We recognised that what she was doing on a volunteer basis, she did such a wonderful job of taking us to where we were. The time had come to make her director. Originally, we had proposed to actually go out and recruit a new person as the director butt eh members of the steering committee felt that we had a gem on our midst. So we took the decision to give her the promotion to give her the promotion to this spot.”

White has over 13 years of experience in designing, implementing, managing, and evaluating international public health projects, especially reproductive health projects. As the Market Development Technical Officer at the RSHC, she leads the Coalition’s efforts to leverage the global marketplace to ensure greater choice of affordable, high quality reproductive health supplies.