Hardship: Cleric cautions Muslims against engaging in prohibited acts

An Islamic cleric, Ustaz Abdullah Mustapha Berende, has cautioned Muslims against engaging in acts that are prohibited in Islam as they navigate through Nigeria’s economic woes. Berende, who is the coordinator of the Islamic Movement in Kwara State, urged Nigerians to persevere, saying it is prohibited to engage in corrupt acts because of the current […]

Hardship: Cleric cautions Muslims against engaging in prohibited acts


An Islamic cleric, Ustaz Abdullah Mustapha Berende, has cautioned Muslims against engaging in acts that are prohibited in Islam as they navigate through Nigeria’s economic woes.

Berende, who is the coordinator of the Islamic Movement in Kwara State, urged Nigerians to persevere, saying it is prohibited to engage in corrupt acts because of the current hike in the cost of living.

He spoke in Ilọrin, Kwara state capital, on the sideline of a programme organised by the Consultative Council of Ahlul-Bayt, an Islamic group.

He said, “People should be able to have the feeling that there is a better life waiting for them in the hereafter if they adjust some things here by recognizing the divine message sent by God.”

The cleric urged Nigerians to supplicate to Allah to ease their affairs and lead a righteous life.

“Now, people are choosing and even professing the devil. They crave this world at the expense of the hereafter, not minding the consequences after death.

“The onus is on us to help people recognize the divine message to redirect their lives,” he added.