‘How we celebrated Easter under lockdown’

Precious Anna Oguejiofor, 25 years, Corp member, Kaduna As a corp member serving in Kaduna State, I spent my Easter at home during the lockdown because my family is not here. However, I had a few friends who spent the day with me. I would have loved to visit various places with my friends in […]

‘How we celebrated Easter under lockdown’

Precious Anna Oguejiofor, 25 years, Corp member, Kaduna

As a corp member serving in Kaduna State, I spent my Easter at home during the lockdown because my family is not here. However, I had a few friends who spent the day with me. I would have loved to visit various places with my friends in Kaduna but the lockdown prevented me from doing so. We had a little get together at my place since we all live not far from one another, I cooked for them and we watched movies afterwards. I thank God for life, but the experience was not a good one and it is not like the previous Easter celebrations. I had no opportunity to pray and listen to the Easter mass and couldn’t go to church during the Holy Week. I pray we witness the next Easter in with an atmosphere free of Coronavirus.


David Oasis Oladayo, 27 years, Architect, Kaduna

Well, the Easter came as a surprise in the sense that, it has never happened before that everyone around me were all home with nothing to celebrate with. The whole celebration happened without the ceremonious Jollof rice and chicken, visiting of friends and prayers. It was a normal day for me and such a boring Easter celebration. However, the essence of Easter still remains fixed in our hearts. The lockdown really affected things and I pray the whole world will get over it soon.


Vivian Oyinoza Kogi, 40, Entrepreneur, Lagos

Easter is usually spent in sober reflection of the suffering and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. With the ravaging pandemic and lockdown, the usual activities and highlight of events that come before and during the celebration were cancelled. This made the Easter celebration very dull and boring. To further aggravate our situation, food prices were hiked and one could barely get some food items to buy. I just had to make do with I one had. It wasn’t fun at all, especially for my kids who only had to move from the living room to the bedrooms, kitchen and the restroom as the case may be. Honestly, Easter under lockdown is not interesting.


Olasapo Udom, journalist

I was home all day because of the Federal Government’s stay at home directive. However, around 4pm, I got a call from a female friend of mine asking me to join them in the Easter day celebration. She prepared rice and chicken which of course happen to be one of my favourite food. I quickly rushed to her house. Interestingly, I discovered that she and members of her household observed the social distancing.


Chikezie Iwu, 32, Business Man, Lagos

Easter for me was not interesting. Most likely, because of the lockdown. On Easter day, I thought of where I could go, but there was no place to go because everywhere was under lock and key, except hospitals. The thought of Shoprite being opened made me a little happy, so I manage to go there; on getting there, I just kept on hearing funny people chanting wash your hands. I quickly tried to get some fruits and snacks and I immediately left the mall. On my way home, I had a funny encounter with the police at some checkpoints. This Easter is out of it for me based on other Easter celebrations I have had. In all, it’s not a total write off, it was good. At least, being alive and healthy is enough reason to thank God during this lockdown.


Paul Falegon, 44, PR Executive, Lagos

Easter Sunday this year was one the whole world will not forget anytime soon. The day was devoid of the usual bustle that characterizes the celebration. I woke up, prayed, then went for my morning jog around the estate. When I returned, I prepared for my Church’s online service which I participated in with my family.
We prepared lunch and made the best of what we had, we also reached out to our families, friends and neighbours to find out how they were doing and to keep hope alive.
Later in the evening, we went on a family stroll around the Estate. That was all, there was no going out to catch fun with others.


Jimmy Hassel, Poet and Fashion designer, Abuja

On Easter Sunday, I Woke up early to join my church, another church online which is two services under two hours of impactful sermons.
So, I proceeded to partake in the sumptuous cabbage and carrot salad prepared by my elder sister; accompanied with jollof rice, chicken and turkey with some drinks.
Generally, the atmosphere was celebratory regardless of the global pandemic, my family discussed on the eventualities of the lockdown whilst referencing some live news as we discussed. We had a good time watching the ‘Hulk’ from 2003 together, eventually, everything blurred out into regular lockdown normalcy.


Yinka Adeniran, Journalist, 41years, Ibadan

As an essential worker, unlike in the past when we go round to observe Easter festival, this year, I was on the field observing compliance of the people towards the directive of the government on the lockdown policy. Unlike last year this year’s Easter celebration was celebrated in a low key with the COVID-19 pandemic threatening our people. I pray God helps us get rid of the pandemic soon.


Christy Gokyo, 57, Media Practitioner, Jos

My Easter under lockdown was very boring. This is the most boring Easter celebration I have ever had. All I did was to sleep and wake up and watch television. I became tired of the routine because, if you don’t go out to visit friends or even go out to take fresh air could be so traumatic. But the only good thing was that I was able to watch the Good Friday mass as well as the Easter service on television, and by so doing my spirit was lifted and I partly felt fulfilled.


Isaac Abraham, Footballer, 30, Jos

First of all, I thank God for the gift life during the Easter celebration despite the lockdown. Honestly, it was not easy because we have to spend the Easter indoor, no visitation, no exchanging of food with friends, neighbours and family members. All I did was to watch the television, eat, sleep and chat with my neighbours in the compound. It was not really fun, but it was an experience. I pray we come out strong and I know this pandemic will be a thing of the past and we will go back to our normal lives.