Is jail term enough punishment for corrupt persons?

Earlier this week, President Muhammadu Buhari called for stringent actions against those he called perpetrators of illicit financial flows, pointing out that profits and assets generated should be recovered and returned to countries of origin. Daily Trust asked some Nigerians if jail term is indeed enough. Mr. Godwin Ogenyi, 58, former Commissioner, Enugu State There […]

Is jail term enough punishment for corrupt persons?

Mr. Godwin Ogenyi, 58, former Commissioner, Enugu State

Earlier this week, President Muhammadu Buhari called for stringent actions against those he called perpetrators of illicit financial flows, pointing out that profits and assets generated should be recovered and returned to countries of origin. Daily Trust asked some Nigerians if jail term is indeed enough.

Mr. Godwin Ogenyi, 58, former Commissioner, Enugu State

There is no clear definition of corruption in Nigeria, either by the ICPC or EFCC.

If jail term is the answer, then the government will have to build more prisons and stop the idea of plea bargain which, in itself, seems to be a pat on the back.

Nigerians probably view corruption as the person who stole billions of naira. But if the person who stole N1 only had been in position to see N1billion, he probably would have also stolen it. However, punishing those who committed corruption is not the main issue, but how to create enough awareness about what constitutes corruption. Then we can begin to fight corruption. We should strengthen the system and put in place all the vital checks and balances that will prevent one from stealing billions or even N1 as the case may be, or even engaging in other corrupt practices that may not be stealing. Thirdly, having an understanding of the character of people we put in government is important, such as a kleptomaniac.

Alhaji Lawan Ayavga, 53, Businessman, Enugu

People who are corrupt need to be punished. The punishment for corruption must begin from somewhere, because some people wilfully engage in corruption to punish the masses of Nigeria. When they amass their corrupt wealth, they use it to send their children abroad for education; and then turn around to employ children of the poor to be their body guards and gatemen. It’s corruption that brings about armed robbery, kidnapping, and other such vices.

Jail term is not enough but it’s better we start anti-corruption fight from somewhere now so that an incoming government will start the fight from where the last administration stopped.

Corrupt persons deserve a very big punishment to serve as deterrent to others. Corrupt people, some time, become richer than the government. Corruption has permeated the entire spectrum of the country and needs serious punishment to tackle it. It’s better to punish corrupt people than to leave them go scot-free.

Alhaji Idris Abdusallam, 56, Fashion Designer, Enugu

Jailing corrupt persons is not enough. The cause of corruption is what we should tackle first, and this should start from every one of us because charity begins at home. I must restate that every man or woman in the house, should put the fear of God in themselves and even their children. In the Holy Quran, God Almighty says that whoever embezzles, on the day of restoration, such a person is going to pay back those things he stole.

We have to be honest in our dealings with one another. When we say something, we should try to follow it, so that tomorrow we will not regret the day we embezzled what belongs to others. Prophet Muhammed said that a man who eats to his fill while his neighbour is hungry, will never see paradise. Imprisonment is not the solution but having the fear of God.

Mrs. Agatha Anyanwu, 42, Accountant, Imo

Jail term is not enough punishment for corrupt persons. But we must not forget that corruption is of different types. So, acts of corruption are higher or more serious or grievous than others. I think while we have to begin the fight against corruption from our various homes, we have to create sufficient awareness about what actually constitutes corruption.
The Nigerian government should put in place a mechanism that will make it very difficult for people to display tendency for corruption. Also, there should be a way of introducing welfare package for people working in both public and private sectors, such that when the worker leaves office, he will have something to fall back on.
As to whether jail term is enough punishment for corrupt individuals, I think those who are found to be corrupt should be treated or punished in line with the law of the land. Efforts should be made to recover the stolen items/funds from the thief and then punish the person in such a manner that it will serve as deterrent to others.

Patrick Eyimoga, 27, Applicant, Benue State

I believe jail terms is enough punishment for corrupt persons, if only our judiciary system can be transparent and fair to implement the deserved punishment. We need an anti-graft agency that is devoid of favouritism.

George Ahani, Clergy, 54, Abuja

Considering the effect of corruption on our country today and taking into consideration what China is doing currently to corrupt people, where once you are guilty you face a firing squad, I will prefer either life sentence or death. This will serve as a deterrent to people, like those who embezzle money for road constructions. People die on the roads and there are no drugs in the hospitals. Things are not working out due to the endemic nature of corruption in Nigeria. So, it is better that, when convicted by the law court, life sentence or death sentence should be given.

Mrs. Folashade Bello, 44, Teacher, Abuja

It is not enough to jail corrupt persons. Death penalty should be added as punishment to serve as a lesson to the younger generation. We really need change in this country. When people know that if they indulge in corruption they will be killed, they will be careful enough not to be corrupt and that will bring about change in the country.