It is possible to overcome the odds against you

Mark 9:23 “23Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.”

It is possible to overcome the odds against you
It is possible to overcome the odds against you

Mark 9:23 23Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.”

Impossible things happen to those who believe they can happen. The Bible is full of the accounts of real people who were able rise from the ashes of defeat or from completely insignificant backgrounds to make a success out their lives. We have examples of people who achieved impossible feats and commanded great results in their lives despite the odds that were against them. A virgin conceived against normal physiological principles. Sarah delivered Isaac at the age of ninety; twice the age of menopause! Daniel survived the lions den. Joseph survived the most vicious household enemy conspiracy, slavery and prison to become Prime Minister in a foreign land. What are the odds against you? What are your dreams? Do you feel they are impossible? No; to him that believes, all things are possible!

Come and be inspired from next Sunday from the lives of people broke through impossible barriers to achieve their God-given goals. YOUR STORY IS ABOUT TO CHANGE!

We learn from Joseph that it is possible to recover from the treachery of household enemy betrayal and achieve success in life.

We also learn from Joseph that it is possible for one leader to save a nation from disaster. God will use you to rescue your family, your community and nation, in Jesus name.

From Abraham we learn that even a late starter can achieve significant results in life and that it is possible to succeed even in old age. It is not too late to make it. You are not too old to make it.

Job’s experience teaches us that it is possible to recover from the worst crises of life and achieve greater success. The resurrection of Jesus teaches us that it is possible to make it back from the worst situations in life; even death.

From Daniel we know it is possible to survive the conspiracy of the workplace and rise to the top.

From the life of David we learn that it doesn’t matter what man thinks about you, you can become a successful leader as long as God is on your side. David’s relations didn’t think he was qualified to be king but God thought differently. You will fulfil your destiny in Jesus name! From David we learn also that it is possible to survive a hostile environment and fulfil your divine assignment. Saul made several attempts to kill him but God preserved his life. The beautiful thing however is that David did not throw the javelin back at Saul. He left that for God and the Saul used his own sword to kill himself eventually. Don’t waste your time pursuing your enemies, rather, chase after God and what you are called to do; God will take care of the rest.

From Jabez we learn that it is possible to change your story through prevailing prayer. The life of Ruth teaches us that it is possible to recover from the loss of loved ones and have a fruitful life.

We learn from Jacob that no matter how crooked one has been that it is possible to straighten up and become a good person.

We learn from Isaac that it is possible to defeat famine and scarcity.

From King Solomon we learn that it is possible to become extremely wealthy and most importantly, to use the wealth fulfil God’s purpose.

We learn from the woman with the issue of blood that it is possible to overcome stubborn problems through the faith in the power of the Son of God.

Through Peter we learn that it is possible to walk on water. It is possible to walk on what others sink in. We learn also from his life that it is possible to recover from backsliding. It is possible to recover from your mistakes and succeed in life. Failure is not final!

We learn from the paralytic who was taken to Jesus through the roof that it is possible to find a way even where there is no way.

From Elisha we learn that it is possible to have a 24 hour miracle in a grievous situation of lack.

From the life of Mary we learn that God can make the impossible is possible.

From Elisha and Joshua we learn that it is possible to repeat the success of a mentor.

From Elijah we learn that it is possible for one man to influence a nation in a positive way.

Apostle Paul’s life teaches us that it is possible for a murderer to become a minister and that it is possible to survive a shipwreck and complete the journey of destiny.

You Must Believe

Your possibilities are created by your belief. All things are possible to him who believes. They become reality when you act on those beliefs.

You can overcome any adversity in life through faith. Faith is not an easy proposition when you are faced with life-threatening situations.

1John 5:4, “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.

Any dream, marriage, ministry, business, etc. authored by God will overcome the world. The enemy may drag you for a while but you will come out triumphant! All hell may break loose but you will overcome the world!

Everyone may abandon you, but God is with you; you will overcome the world, you will prevail!

Expect to receive. The woman with the issue of blood moved through the crowd to touch the helm of the garment of Jesus because she expected to receive.

Expectation is the proof of trust and your future is decided by the person you have chosen to trust. Impossible things happen to those who expect them to happen. Expect God to heal you and solve your problem. You cannot rise above your belief system. SHE DID NOT GET HER MIRACLE BECAUSE OF HER PAIN OR TEARS. It seems contradictory to most Christians, but God does not respond to needs. Millions cannot grasp that truth, but God has never responded to pain. Mike Murdock says,

  • He responds to Protocol.
  • He responds to Procedure.
  • He responds to Pursuit and Passion. God will respond to the faith of an ungodly person quicker than He will respond to the pain of the godly. He will always respond to those who believe and follow His instructions.

Her healing was immediate when she touched the helm of Jesus’ garment. Stop right now and ask God for the solution to that stubborn problem; claim your miracle by faith. I see God releasing an immediate solution to you. The manifestation of your miracle may come later but you must keep on believing you have it.

This nation will recover from the current challenges facing and rise to greatness! But we must trust God and look up to Him for help.


Bishop Dr Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l. Website: e-mail: [email protected] Help line: 08035150515
