It is time for your dream to be fulfilled (II)

In part one we looked at what a dream is and its significance in the life of a person. The question today is how do you make your dreams come true, how do you achieve your goals? 8 Simple Principles Of Dream Actualization:  1. Dream big. Create a dream that is so big that it […]

It is time for your dream to be fulfilled (II)
It is time for your dream to be fulfilled (II)

In part one we looked at what a dream is and its significance in the life of a person. The question today is how do you make your dreams come true, how do you achieve your goals?

8 Simple Principles Of Dream Actualization: 

1. Dream big. Create a dream that is so big that it will keep you excited. Dream big; very big. The cure for littleness is great dreams. As a man thinks in his heart so is he. Disregard your limits. Think of what you thought you couldn’t do that you have accomplished. “Instead of giving myself reasons why I can’t, I give myself reasons why I can.” Change your ‘I can’t’ to ‘I can’. Become a limitless thinker. Become a possibility thinker. Develop a limitless mindset. Develop an all-things-are-possible mindset. Don’t just dream big, dream limitless dreams. God wants to give you as far as your eyes can see; He will give you limitless if you see limitless possibilities. So you are limited only by how much you permit yourself to see. Modify your beliefs. Your beliefs create your reality. When you make positive changes in your belief system, a corresponding positive change will take place in your level of achievement and level of fulfillment. Before we started the Ministry, the Lord told me two things not to believe: (a) the beginning of anything is always hard. It happens that way because people believe and expect the beginning to be difficult. (b) Anything good takes time. It does not necessarily have to be.

2. Document it. Define the dream in minute detail, 

3. Pray: for vision anointing (ask the Holy Spirit to help you actualize your dream), helpers, open doors, provision (financial and material) etc.

4. Plan accordingly. Be guided by the Holy Spirit to determine the timing for pursuing aspects of the vision that are due. The accomplishment of a vision is in phases. Note that the vision is for an appointed time. Depend on the Lord to know that appointed time and act accordingly.

5. Live in the dream so that it becomes real to you on the inside. Talk about it to the right people. Let it dominate your thinking and your conversation. Sleep with it, wake up with it, breathe it! 

6. Work, work and work. Run with the vision. Vision without venture amounts to a daydream. Work is necessary for result. It is not what you wish for that you get but what you push for! Push for your dream, push for your miracle. Push for your breakthrough!

7. Hold on to it so tightly that no one can take it away from you. Believe it will happen, ignore the challenges and hold on tightly like Joseph. ACCEPT OPPOSITION AS PROOF OF YOUR PROGRESS. Warfare always surrounds the birth of a miracle. Nothing is ever as bad as it first appears. Battle is the opportunity to prove what you believe. Joseph proved that opposition is the wave that takes you from the pit to the palace. The size of your enemy determines the size of your reward. Do not let any enemy decide the timing of battle, nor the weapons you will use. Psalm 56:11, “In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me.” The just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2:4

8. Seize moments of uncommon favour. Look out for opportunities to advance your vision. Joseph told Pharaoh’s cup bearer not to forget him when he gets out prison. The cup bearer introduced Joseph to Pharaoh after two years, a move that resulted in the freedom and promotion of Joseph, a move that brought about the fulfillment of his dream.

Let share a true story with you. During his senior year he was assigned a writing project to describe what he wanted to be when he grew up.  His seven-page essay minutely detailed the 200-acre ranch he wanted to own.  It included a diagram of the ranch and a detailed floor plan of his 4,000 square foot home. 

Despite the passion and effort Monty put into his paper, he received it back with a large “F” written on it and a note to see the teacher after class.  The teacher told Monty that the reason he had given him that grade was because his paper was unrealistic.  He went on to cite all of the reasons why, and told Monty that if he would rewrite the paper with a more realistic goal, he would reconsider the grade.  After considering it for a week, the young man turned in the same paper with no changes, along with the remark, “You can keep the F and I’ll keep my dream.” 

The conclusion of the true story has the teacher bringing 30 students for a summer campout at the 200-acre ranch of the now grown (and successful) Monty who lives in his 4,000 square foot dream home. 

If it worked for the son of an itinerant horse trainer it will work for you. 

Start dreaming and dream big. The Bible tells the story of a poor man called Lazarus who kept competing with dogs for the crumbs from the rich man’s table. He was looking under the table instead of over the table. Step up your thinking. You are bigger than you think. You are capable of achieving more than you realize. You can rise higher than where you are right now. Forget the last time you tried and failed, it was only an event. What circumstances have said about you is not true. Dare to reach higher! Remember, if it can happen in your mind it will happen in your life.

Your vision will produce proofs in Jesus Name! Your vision will produce amazing testimonies in Jesus Name!

Your God-given Dreams will soon begin to manifest in Jesus Name! Long-standing problems will be solved. Get ready for jobs. Husbands will manifest. The barren will conceive. Cars will manifest shortly. Delayed payments will be released. That contract you have been waiting will soon be given to you. Regardless of how much time has passed and how many times you have failed, your dream is still valid! Do not give up, do not give in, instead, give it one more push!

Bishop Dr. Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l.


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