Kano in need of a saviour!

If you wish to know the El-Rufa’i persona, ask Abuja residents who built structures on waterways, canals and parcels of lands without proper documentation. The former minister of FCT brooked no nonsense when it came  to restoring the master plan of the Federal Capital Territory. During his time as minister, mosques, churches and expensive properties […]

Kano in need of a saviour!
Kano in need of a saviour!

If you wish to know the El-Rufa’i persona, ask Abuja residents who built structures on waterways, canals and parcels of lands without proper documentation. The former minister of FCT brooked no nonsense when it came  to restoring the master plan of the Federal Capital Territory. During his time as minister, mosques, churches and expensive properties belonging to the high and mighty, which distorted the master plan of the FCT were not spared.

Today, the same bitter pills are being aggressively administered in Kaduna State. The people of Kaduna especially those from Zaria can bear me witness. They are at the moment feeling the heat, but in the future, their children would thank El-Rufa’i  for his dexterity and commitment.

In Kaduna, all those buildings that contravened the master plan are being pulled down. Corner shops built on school premises and on the streets and along  waterways and cemeteries have been demolished.  And that’s the way to go.

All these have combined to make Kaduna-the former capital of Northern Nigeria and the pride of all Northerners once more, serene, habitable and beautiful.

In contrast, Kano, the commercial capital of the North and the most populous state in Nigeria, is unfortunately, undergoing a similar transformation in reverse gear.

The city’s master plan is being aggressively distorted. Every available open space has been converted into shops, plazas and residential areas. No focus, no vision, and no critical thinking about opening up virgin lands to expand the city and take developments to rural areas!

In Kano, mosques, school premises, green areas and government reserved areas, public properties and what have you; have all been desecrated.

Today, the city of Kano is akin to an urban jungle not fit for human habitation. There is no demarcation between markets and residential areas. Everywhere, corner shops and plazas are being erected without regard to town planning.  

So in 2023, what Kano State deserves is a saviour of El-Rufa’I’s courage and single -minded determination to do the needful. Our fervent desire is for a fearless governor with the requisite fear of Almighty God, who will demolish all those buildings without fear or favour, being erected at every available space in the metropolis, which distorted Kano’s master plan and turned it into a concrete jungle!  We moved!!

Kabiru Tsakuwa sent this from Kano and can be reached via [email protected]