‘King of stuffing’, Shekarau mocks Ganduje over dollar videos

Malam Ibrahim Shekarau has mocked Governor Abdullahi Ganduje over some controversial videos which showed the governor allegedly stuffing dollars in his pocket.

‘King of stuffing’, Shekarau mocks Ganduje over dollar videos

Senator Ibrahim Shekarau

Malam Ibrahim Shekarau has mocked Governor Abdullahi Ganduje over some controversial videos which showed the governor allegedly stuffing dollars in his pocket.

The governor has severally denied being the one in the video, filing several suits to clear his name.

But while addressing his supporters at his residence in Kano, Shekarau, a former governor of Kano, alluded to Ganduje as “king of stuffing.”

Amid the crisis rocking the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Kano, Ganduje had accused Shekarau and Senator Barau Jibrin of “collecting money in Abuja” without doing anything for their people.

Ganduje had said, “You have failed to deliver good projects to your constituents and when you start facing problems, you then blame for your travails?

“The money you are collecting in Abuja has not come down to your constituents, and then you’re blaming me? You’re taking me as scapegoat to your problems?”

However, while addressing his supporters, Shekarau told a popular radio contributor, Alhajiji Nagoda, to tell Kano people who is the master of “stuffing dollars in his pocket”.

“Alhajiji claims to be the leader of collecting, but I’m now calling on him to tell the people of Kano who is the king of stuffing [dollars]?” Shekarau said, to the applause of the crowd.