Little Bolivia leads the world

The current Israeli war of annihilation in Palestine, is daily showing up heroes and villains on the global scene.  Most Western leaders, led by Joe Biden of the US are undoubtedly on the villains’ list because they have adopted a blanket approval approach to whatever evil, mass murder and obvious genocide israel is committing in […]

Little Bolivia leads the world

The current Israeli war of annihilation in Palestine, is daily showing up heroes and villains on the global scene. 

Most Western leaders, led by Joe Biden of the US are undoubtedly on the villains’ list because they have adopted a blanket approval approach to whatever evil, mass murder and obvious genocide israel is committing in Gaza and the West Bank.

Next on the villains list are leaders of the Arab World, particularly those of oil rich Arab nations. These moral lepers have adopted a “can’t -do-a-thing” approach because they are cowed down by the fear of israel and United States, and won’t try a thing to incur their anger.

Ironically they are the best placed to end the carnage against their brothers, because they have the one thing the West can’t do without. Crude oil. 

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A little return to oil politics and Israel will be down on its knees in no time. 

However, the first on our heroes list is little Bolivia. A poor South American country imbued with tremendous courage and humanity.  

It took the first step and made the right move by cutting all diplomatic ties with the apartheid, blood-thirsty, inhumane and genocidal state of israel. 

Bolivia didn’t care what it stood to lose by ditching Israel in solidarity with Palestine.   

It acted in the interest of humanity by identifying with the oppressed victims of murderous occupation and blazed the trail for others to follow. 

And others did follow. Right now eight other countries, including Jordan, Turkey and South Africa have also recalled their diplomats from Tel Aviv. 

So it’s salute to Bolivia, small in size but big in heart and courage. Now when will the giant of Africa, our beloved fatherland join the heroes’ queue?