Make Jos great again

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, “Make Jos Great Again Forum” is a Forum composed of men and women from all walks of life, cutting across different ethnic and religious creeds, who in time past lived in the city of Jos. It came into being on 13th August, 2016. Many of the members at some point relocated […]

Make Jos great again

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, “Make Jos Great Again Forum” is a Forum composed of men and women from all walks of life, cutting across different ethnic and religious creeds, who in time past lived in the city of Jos. It came into being on 13th August, 2016. Many of the members at some point relocated and settled outside Jos – some in places as far flung as Abuja, Kaduna, Nasarawa, Kano, and some in other parts of the country. Yet, they continue to reminisce on the serene, hospitable, peaceful, beautiful and social life that characterized Jos, in their youthful days.

As a Forum of like-minds, we refer to ourselves as JOSIANS (lovers of peace, peace advocates, social and friendly people with clear understanding of greatness in harmonious co-existence). We are a group of people who lived in Jos for considerable number of years, before and in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s to date; who have enjoyed social, economic and educational experiences in the great city of Jos. We knew Jos better when Tudun Wada, Rikkos, Ali Kazaure, Dilimi, Angwan Rogo, Gada Biyu, Bauchi Road, Farin Gada, Apata, Angwan Rukuba, etc. used to be all “go areas.” We knew Jos devoid of religious or ethnic discrimination.

Unfortunately, Jos, a great city of peace and attraction, characterized by peaceful and harmonious co-existence, social activities such as picnics, parties and clubbing; a city where Eid (Sallah), Christmas and other festivities were freely celebrated in togetherness with the exchange of food and gifts, is to an extent no longer the case. Jos city, the envy of all has witnessed ethnic and religious crises and conflicts which displaced some of its inhabitants, eroded the feeling of brotherhood and togetherness, created suspicion and animosity among people and brought the once great city of glory, down to its knees.

The city of Jos has had a fair share of crises and uproar of different types and of varied magnitude. Inspite of this, JOS is now waxing strong. I commend the Government, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Traditional Rulers, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Faith Based Organizations (FBOs), Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Development Partners and Security Agencies for their various initiatives in restoring peace to Jos. It is noteworthy that, through their efforts the hitherto “no go areas” are no longer so. People now move and conduct their businesses freely. We urge them to redouble their efforts until complete normalcy is restored. As a Forum, ours is also a contribution to sustain the tranquility so far prevailing. Although coming somewhat late in the day, it is often said “better late than never.”

Reminiscing about Jos as of old – great, accommodating and fascinating, compared to present day Jos – perceptibly religious and ethnically compartmentalized and socially suspicious, members of MJGAF strongly feel that Jos must be made great again! The main focus of MJGAF is to contribute to the restoration of the lost glory of Jos through peaceful means, exchange of ideas, and community service by way of private contributions to human development within Jos in a non-ethnic, non-partisan, non-political and non-religious manner. The Forum is proposing to establish a Micro Finance Bank. It is envisaged that small-scale entrepreneurs will benefit from this initiative. This is so as to further prove that the centripetal forces that unite us are more than the centrifugal forces that divide us.

Members of MJGAF believe in the virtues of dignity, fair-play, tolerance, hospitality, integrity and honesty in communal living. It is hoped that these virtues as cultivated by JOSIANS in times past will be the propellant in making Jos great again.

MJGAF has a dream, that the time is ripe for JOSIANS and indeed, all well-meaning individuals to chart a way forward for a greater, better and peaceful Jos; a city where the proverbial “milk and honey” flow for all and sundry. This, when achieved will give a sense of belonging to all persons irrespective of religious or ethnic differences. We intend to pursue this dream with all sincerity until it becomes a reality, by promoting attitudes and conduct that will catapult Jos to greater heights of peace, stability and mutual co-existence. We shall work relentlessly until Jos truly regains its prestige as the “the home of peace and tourism.”

Also, we may, sooner than later, set-up THE JOSIAN FOUNDATION that will ameliorate the plight of widows, orphans, people with disability and the internally displaced, etc. We shall work assiduously to achieve this goal, which shall complement the setting-up of a Micro Finance Bank mentioned earlier. Although we are aware of the tendency of the “fifth column”, renegades and retrogrades who strive to undermine anything, no matter how palatable the intention, this is something we are very conscious about from experiences gathered and we shall guard against such.

Fellow JOSIANS, in working towards restoring the past glory of great Jos, we shall not mortgage it or allow any individual or group of individuals encumber our efforts through frivolous writings, needless confrontation, or inordinate ambition. Any member or members of this Forum that propagate hate and partisanship in any guise would be sanctioned, and suffer the consequences of their actions by delisting their membership of the Forum.

At this juncture, permit me to re-iterate in unequivocal terms, that MJGAF is a non-ethnic, non-religious, non-political, non-partisan group. It does not in any way seek to promote these arenas. We do not wish to and shall not involve ourselves in matters pertaining to land ownership, traditional institutions and chieftaincy related issues. It should be made categorically clear that any member who speaks on these matters is speaking on his own behalf and not for and or on behalf of MJGAF or JOSIANS. Thus, issues relating to these are left to the concerned authorities and entities.

Despite our resolve to collectively and harmoniously reason, work and live together, MJGAF is not interested in gaining cheap political relevance and or gratification. As a forum, we shall not take it for granted any act, behaviour or conduct by any member who uses this platform to promote his/her political ambition. Suffice it to say, no member shall at any time and in any guise use this platform or forum to seek, promote or facilitate personal political agenda through campaign of any sort and by whatever name called. Any member nursing political intentions is better advised at sunrise to seek avenues and means, other than MJGAF, in doing so. Let it be adequately known that, MJGAF is not a political party neither is it a pressure group. Accordingly, no one should use it in gaining cheap political popularity and or relevance.

Based on the foregoing, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to you all, great JOSIANS, for volunteering to avail yourselves and to undertake this important and noble call. I am confident that with diligence and commitment from members of the various Standing Committees (to be inaugurated momentarily), MJGAF will successfully achieve its aim of truly making Jos great again.

By this inauguration, we must recognize at the very onset that the success of these committees depends largely on our overall contribution, inspiration and encouragement. The task ahead of us, especially the Standing Committees is grave and enormous. However, I am delighted with the level of commitment and zeal already exhibited by great JOSIANS towards actualizing the aims and objectives of this Forum.

Nonetheless, there is need for greater enthusiasm on the part of Committee members so as to measure the level of responsibility and trust attached to your membership of the Committee you belong. Each and every Committee member should therefore, make the business of the Committee their business.

In constituting the Standing Committees, experience, knowledge, passion, zeal and competence of members were taken into consideration. Conscious of the great task ahead, this Forum expects you to work diligently in affirming the very reason for your selection. Suffice it to say that, you are doubly accountable and responsible to this Forum.

All Standing Committees are advised to be fair, just and transparent in all endeavours and at all times. Standing Committees should run their affairs in an inclusive manner, in order to avoid portraying their activities as a one-man show. This principle, if not properly guarded, shall negate our common commitment of making Jos great again.

In dealing and or relating with Governmental, NGOs, CSOs, FBOs, CBOs and the general public, it is pertinent for you to observe the highest ethical and moral standards. You must understand that you are now a mirror that reflects and represent every one of us out there. Consequently, you should take care in carrying out your duties that you do not bring moral and ethical questions upon this Forum. Any unethical behavior from any committee or its member(s) will be sanctioned appropriately. 

All Committees are expected to operate based on the Terms of Reference (TOR). Also, the Operational Guidelines are expected to sufficiently guide the Committees in their activities and conduct. It is our overall duty to let the world know who we are, how we came to be and what we stand for. This should make a case for peace; sufficient peace and only as good as peace can be. 

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, may I use this medium to call on all residents of Jos and its environs to set aside petty grievances of the past that have retarded our progress in several ways. As a Forum, the decision has already been made; we have already reaffirmed an enduring resolve to live together as one, to socialize like we used to, to exchange gifts and pleasantries during festivities like we used to; continue being our brothers’ keepers and set a good example for others to follow, especially the younger generation. We call on well-meaning individuals, of good standing, who love Jos and believe in our dream and vision of “Make Jos Great Again” to join and or support us in this endeavour. Our collective effort towards peace building and sustainable development of Jos is necessary more than ever. We believe that “everybody is somebody” and that until everybody is treated as somebody, Jos may not be great again. In the words of the great Madiba, Nelson Mandela, “it seems impossible until it’s done.” It is possible for Jos to be great again; let’s work this dream to fruition!

Being a speech read by  the Chairman, Make Jos Great Again, Chief  Samu’ila Danko Makama CON, at the inauguration of the standing committees on July 15.