Mass child abuse at two extremes (1)

What has the world turned into? That is a very popular clichéd question we ask when we contemplate how yesterday is better than today. Even the thought that yesterday is always better than today is documented in psychology as a cognitive bias.  In truth, yesterday is not always better than today. The ‘good old days’ […]

Mass child abuse at two extremes (1)

What has the world turned into? That is a very popular clichéd question we ask when we contemplate how yesterday is better than today. Even the thought that yesterday is always better than today is documented in psychology as a cognitive bias.  In truth, yesterday is not always better than today. The ‘good old days’ weren’t really as good in many ways compared to today. Imagine a time when there was little in terms of human rights, when people were summarily slaughtered at the behest of a king, when all land belonged to some sovereign, when little villages engaged in endless, meaningless wars, when there was no antibiotics or advances in medicines, and people died of the simplest of infections, when there was zero freedom of expression, and technology wasn’t available to help human beings. When you travelled you were gone. No communication, until you showed up again. People got lost forever.  Imagine a time when you had to trek over hundreds of kilometres for trade, and tens of kilometres to get to the farm or market, your back bent with loads and stuff. No; those weren’t particularly days of joy and prosperity for those who suffered and survived through them.

But so also is today not perfect. And certainly, if human beings do not destroy the earth entirely – even though we are trying hard to do so and to end times – there will come a day in the future when the inhabitants of this earth will wonder how we pulled through without the innovations of their times.

I am however concerned with something sinister going on in our world today. In the ‘developed’ world of the UK, US, Canada and other ‘enlightened’ countries, their fixation right now is how to get the teaching of ‘sexual diversity’ into the curriculum of 5 year-old children.  The justifiers of this position talk about how the world has changed and that children need to be taught that parents could either be two men or two women. They say it is important to start them young, so that children do not grow up into ignorant adults and misfits in their modern world. I had cause to take on one popular former CNN, now ITV UK presenter on twitter last week. That was Pierce Morgan. For some reason, the unquestioned acceptance of such positions is now equated with modernity, liberation, enlightenment, and anyone who says ‘slow down, are we on the right track?’ is labelled as all sorts. Pierce had taken umbrage at the subtle rejection of the idea that children should be taught these sexual preference subjects at a young age, by a young Muslim Briton, by stating condescendingly that ‘this is not Islamabad!’. I was shocked. Anyhow, my comments on Twitter were also greeted with a lot of misplaced aggression, including one which advised I should go and take care of female genital mutilation in my country. It is obvious that those who are pushing this preposterous position are not stable human beings.

My position remains that 5 year-old children should be allowed to play and evolve without being prodded in some certain sexual directions. A 5 year-old child just wants some normal toys, enough space to play, a certain amount of freedom for their brains to grow. There is so much information for such a child to explore especially in today’s information age. Sex is certainly not on the mind of a 5 year- old child. Well, let me speak for myself. I would cringe if you told me about sex, and two daddies or two mummies when I was 5, or 8, or even 10. Heck, at 18 or 20, one still had one’s heart in one’s mouth just to talk to a girl. And I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with that – a mild fear and lots of respect for the opposite sex until you come to your own, and the role may change!  But sex and sexuality at 5? It could only be the prelude to an agenda to destroy the world. Something terribly sinister is afoot in this world. We had better be aware, and be prepared to respond. But here we are, we usually walk into any tornado, blissfully unaware. For the next agenda is to come to Africa and shove it down our throats.

There is no way to describe and understand this impending mass hijack of the minds of little children in school, than to see it as mass child abuse on an industrial scale. I see it as a victory for the practitioners of ‘alternative sexuality’ who are all out to recruit as many as possible into their camp and what is better than to catch them young. They also know that we are myopic and slow in this part of the world and so before you know it, they are all over us here, threatening cancelation of aids and grants and whatnot if we do not accede to their requests. Luckily our culture is a bit strong but how long can the culture hold up? One of the first questions they ask new politicians is their take on same sex marriage. While I was contesting, I was never invited to the ‘hip’ programs where these questions were asked though – perhaps because my opinions are already known. Stations that had already conformed with those ‘wannabe’ attitudes gave poor me a wide berth. My simple answer is to tell them we have so many serious, existential issues here than to be bothered with who is sleeping with who, and how, so long as they are consenting adults. And that if we threw the question to a referendum here, it will be roundly defeated by our people.

In the same UK, the public space is full of rhetoric that paint men as weak, confused, useless, out-of-control, while women are in-charge, liberated, firm and so on. A few movies that have come out lately have towed that line, including one titled ‘The Favorite’ which painted Queen Anne who ruled England in the late 17thCentury as a serial Lesbian. That is the one extreme, and the cross being carried by the west. We will explore that in detail soon.  To cap this, just last week, the Independent newspaper in the UK carried a report that hundreds of child sex dolls were seized at their border. It is only natural that with the path they’ve chosen; this experimental path for want of a better word, they will see stuff like men seeking little children to sleep with. Now they have small dolls to depict children ready to sleep with!  A German PhD holder gave a TEDX talk the other day claiming that truly, just like homosexuality, paedophilia was innate and not a choice that people made. Perhaps the world is truly coming to an end. I just want to be awake through it all. I don’t want any con-jobs.

The other extreme, is the mass manufacture of ignorance in parts of Nigeria, especially by the exclusion from any meaningful functional education that makes people productive in the 21stcentury. This is in total and direct contrast to this approach which seeks to reduce global population. How will we be saved from these extremes? We will explore mass illiteracy and ignorance next week, and try to find some solutions.