My ambition is to design a Nigerian car, says 13-year-old student

Aliyu Uzeru Isa, 13, is a resident of Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State and is eager to witness a day he will begin to manufacture cars made in Nigeria. Aliyu said he had developed the interest and hope of designing a local car a few years back when he borrowed an MP3 […]

My ambition is to design a Nigerian car, says 13-year-old student

Aliyu Uzeru Isa, 13, is a resident of Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State and is eager to witness a day he will begin to manufacture cars made in Nigeria.

Aliyu said he had developed the interest and hope of designing a local car a few years back when he borrowed an MP3 player from his sister but broke it and did not want to return it in that condition since she might be angry with him.

“I decided on my own to try and repair it and luckily for me, after touching some parts it started working again and that was when I said to myself that if I could make a trial, it is possible that one day I can manufacture something more than an MP3. I have the belief that I can produce a car made in Nigeria and that is why I continue making and repairing electronics,” Aliyu said.

The 13-year-old and JSS3 student of Badar Science School, Jos has since started coupling some electronic gadgets such as a fan, room heater, local walkie-talkie ad phones.

He said engaging in these activities was not distracting him from his academic work.

“Whenever I am at home, I focus on the craftwork but once it is time for school, I put everything aside and concentrate on my education. Added to that, when my parents send me on an errand, I stop what I am doing to fulfill their demands.”

The young boy further said that he often enjoys the encouragement he gets from his parents, who assist in buying components for his craft and other working tools. “They are always happy with what I am doing and support me with whatever I want if they could afford it..”

Aliyu said if he could be adequately supported and trained, he can achieve his ambition soon.