Police arrest gay, rapist with nude pictures, videos of victims

Detectives attached to Makinde Police Station, Lagos State Police Command, have arrested a 28-year-old gay rapist. The detectives also recovered pictures and videos of underaged victims from the suspect identified as Jane Otubo. Police arrest 35-year-old for shooting co-tenant Bandits storm Zamfara community market, kill one, raze stalls The suspect, who resides at number 3, […]

Police arrest gay, rapist with nude pictures, videos of victims

Detectives attached to Makinde Police Station, Lagos State Police Command, have arrested a 28-year-old gay rapist.

The detectives also recovered pictures and videos of underaged victims from the suspect identified as Jane Otubo.

The suspect, who resides at number 3, Eniola Street, Mafoluku, Oshodi, according to the police, is a foodstuff trader, who hails from Enugu State.

The police described the suspect as a serial rapist who indulges in homosexuality.

He was arrested on Thursday, March 18, 2021.

Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer, Muyiwa Adejobi, who confirmed the arrest, said the gay suspect had allegedly invited one Francis Azeez, who resides at Gwagwalada Area of Abuja to Lagos.

Adejobi said the suspect allegedly paid the victim’s transportation fare to his place in Mafoluku, in Oshodi.

Adejobi said during an interaction with the victim, the suspect promised to assist him to establish a business.

“Trouble broke out when Otubo made frantic attempts to have unlawful carnal knowledge of the invitee who had spent a week with him.

“The guest, Francis, who resisted him, made efforts to escape to Abuja in the morning when he was assaulted severally by the suspect.

“This attracted his neighbours’ attention who eventually informed the Police.

“The Landlord of the suspect, popularly called Alfa, confirmed the allegation of Francis.

“He said that the suspect had been indulging in the infamous act of which he had settled several issues relating to the suspect’s improper and criminal act in this regard,” he added.

Another arrested for raping, filming victim

The Lagos State Police spokesman stated that in the same vein, police operatives attached to Ago Okota Division of the command also arrested a serial rapist, one Onuorah Obi, of number 1, Buari Oloto Street, Ago Okota.

He said the suspect was nabbed on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, at about 6.30 pm.

He said a victim, a 25-year-old lady who resides at Ago Okota reported that the suspect raped her and took her nude pictures after he took video clips of her.

“The police swung into action and arrested the suspect.

“When a search was conducted on his phone, nude pictures and videos of the victim were recovered from the phone,” he said.

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