Police arrest pastor over shooting of teenage girl

The Police in Ogun State have arrested a white garment church pastor, Peter Ayodele Omope for attempted murder and unlawful possession of a prohibited firearm.  Spokesman of the police command, DSP Abimbola Oyeyemi disclosed this to journalists in Abeokuta yesterday. Oyeyemi, said the pastor who was in charge of a Celestial Church of Christ, Jesu […]

Police arrest pastor over shooting of teenage girl

The Police in Ogun State have arrested a white garment church pastor, Peter Ayodele Omope for attempted murder and unlawful possession of a prohibited firearm. 

Spokesman of the police command, DSP Abimbola Oyeyemi disclosed this to journalists in Abeokuta yesterday.

Oyeyemi, said the pastor who was in charge of a Celestial Church of Christ, Jesu Yan Parish, located at Olambe Junction of the state, allegedly shot an 18-year-old girl, Kemi Johnson who had sought refuge in his church.

The police spokesman said, the pastor was arrested following a distress call received from one Deji Olaketan at Ajuwon Divisional Headquarters.

The Command’s Spokesman disclosed that apump action rifle and five live cartridges had been recovered from the suspect, adding that, the commissioner of police, Lanre Bankole, had ordered the immediate transfer of the suspect to state criminal investigation and intelligence department for discreet investigation.