Re: True Moslems must speak up (I)

The above captioned written by Eugene Enahoro in the Daily Trust of Tuesday, November 24, 2015 challenges true Muslims to speak up. One should like to observe that you started with a no harm approach in the first four sentences. Thereafter, it would appear as if you have been brainwashed by the US-West Christian-Zionist to […]

Re: True Moslems must speak up (I)

The above captioned written by Eugene Enahoro in the Daily Trust of Tuesday, November 24, 2015 challenges true Muslims to speak up. One should like to observe that you started with a no harm approach in the first four sentences. Thereafter, it would appear as if you have been brainwashed by the US-West Christian-Zionist to antagonise lslam.
A critical review of his piece would make an observer come to the conclusion that an orchestrated injustice or terrorism is aimed at condemning the over 1 billion Muslims as terrorists and their religion as irrelevant. It is instructive to note that the Zionist-Christian West has committed terrorism 1000 times over the list that Enahoro gave. These are well documented and this piece will attempt to highlight the double standards of the US-Zionists-Europe.
One should like to observe that, this piece rather than put Muslims in bad light, rather throws a challenge upon true Christians also to speak up against the terrorism that the US-Zionists-NATO and their allies commit. Or is Enahoro saying that all non-Muslims are angels and saints? If that were the case there will be no need for judges, police, prisons, law courts but only in Muslim countries.
A food for thought on the Most Influential 100 Persons in History written by Michael H Hart. It may throw insight and help minimise the confusion that many ignorant religious jingoists harbour. It is a non-Muslim account on the nature of the records of the teachings of the  prophets of Islam and Christianity and how reliable one can say they are. The most influential is Prophet Muhammad. The second is Isaac Newton and followed by Prophet Isa, son of Maryam (Jesus). St Paul came sixth after Buddah and Confucius, the fourth and fifth respectively. I quote:-
‘Muhammad has been ranked higher than Jesus. There are two principal reasons for that decision. First Muhammad played a far more important role in the development of Islam than Jesus did in the development of Christianity. Although Jesus was responsible for the main ethical and moral precepts of Christianity (insofar as these differed from Judaism), it was St. Paul who was the main developer of Christian theology, its principal proselytizer, and the author of a large portion of the New Testament.
Muhammad, however, was responsible for both the theology of Islam and its main ethical and moral principles. In addition, he played the role in proselytizing the new faith and in establishing the religious practices of Islam. Moreover, he is the author of the Muslim holy scriptures, the Quran, a collection of Muhammad’s statements that he believed had been divinely inspired. Most of these utterances were copied more or less faithfully during the lifetime and were collected together in authoritative form not long after his death. The Quran, therefore, closely represents Muhammad’s ideas and teachings and, to a considerable extent, his words. No such detailed compilation of the teachings of Christ has survived.
Jesus was still fairly young when he died (unlike Buddah or Muhammad), and he left behind a limited number of disciples. At the time of Jesus’ death, his followers simply formed a small Jewish sect. It was due in considerable measure to Paul’s writings, and to his tireless proselytizing efforts, that this small sect was transformed into a dynamic and much greater movement, which reached non-Jews as well as Jews, and which eventually grew into one of the great religions of the world.
For those reason, some people even contend that it is Paul rather than Jesus, who should really be considered the founder of Christainity. Carried to its logical conclusion, that argument would lead one to place Paul higher on the list than Jesus! However, although it is not clear what Christianity would be like without the influence of St. Paul, it is quite apparent that without Jesus, Christianity would not exist at all.
Prophet Muhammad since his childhood was identified as an impeccably honest person. He had a unique character, peace loving and a personality unequalled by any child of Adam. His forgiving character and grace and sense of mercy are unparalleled in the history of mankind. Today, Islam is the only progressive religion that the practicing Muslims are clean as the Chinese say from the abominations of socially engineered moral decay that pervades the world. The Muslims that the hysteria which the contrived war against terror mischieviously tries to scandalise is the only true religion that stands superior to all else. Those who damage his character are the Zionists that have done worst to their prophets. Some they killed like Prophets Zakariya and John. While on Jesus they took a decision to kill him. Other Jewish prophets they mocked, harrassed and insulted and above all declared them as liars.  What is knew in the French cartoonist and his co-travellers on a non-Jewish Prophet?
Those who portray it in bad light among the Judeo-Christian protagonists know it is the best cure against terrorism. But because of the agenda to establish the Satanic and the Iblissian ethic that sees religion as hearsay and are all out to fight the Commands of Allah/God is being singled out for “destruction”. None will ever succeed.  It will backfire on them. They will spend their billions of US dollars and will in the end be defeated. These assaults are not knew in religious history. They are well documented. Prophets Noah, Abraham, Lot, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (May Allah be pleased with them) have faced a generation of transgressors and rebels among their people. They were not only declared as terrorists but lunatics all out to destabilise the Pharaonic kind of world order. The Iblissian ethic of unrepentant sinners and transgressors. No wonder the late Ayatollah Khamenei declared the US as a “Great Satan” currently leading the NATO pack.

Engr. Abubakar A. Fari,
[email protected]