Report trafficking cases on time, girls advised

Secondary school girls in Nigeria, as well as women in the country, have been tasked not to express fear when they notice cases of sex trafficking or child trafficking within their vicinities. The advice was given at the Anglican Girls’ Grammar School, Apo, Abuja, during an outreach to commemorate the 2023 International Day for the […]

Report trafficking cases on time, girls advised

Human trafficking

Secondary school girls in Nigeria, as well as women in the country, have been tasked not to express fear when they notice cases of sex trafficking or child trafficking within their vicinities.

The advice was given at the Anglican Girls’ Grammar School, Apo, Abuja, during an outreach to commemorate the 2023 International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

City & Crime reports that the outreach, coordinated by the Sarina Project under an initiative of Ina Omakwu Foundation, was to mark the 16-day activism to say “no to all forms of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) against women and children across the country.

Speaking to journalists on the sidelines of the outreach, the Project Coordinator for the Sarina Project, Jeremiah Oseni, described organ harvesting, sex trafficking, child trafficking, among others, as heinous crimes that should be stopped in Nigeria.

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He said, “It is a multi-million industry right now in the world, but it needs to be stopped. Organ harvesting, sex trafficking, child trafficking, especially domestic servitude. A lot of girls have been taken from Jos, Kaduna, Edo and other places all in the name of house-help, and a lot of them end up not going to school.

“We’ve come to this school today to let this wonderful bright dream and queens understand that crimes like these exist, and to let them know that things like these exist.”

He called on all development organisations, as well as other assistant organisations like NGOs, religious bodies and the academia to speak more about the effects of the dangerous crimes, saying most people were still not aware of them.