Salatul Jum’at in Muslims’ life

In the Shari’ah of Islam, the provision of structures for Jum’at service occupies a highly esteemed status in the minds of Muslims. That is why Allah (SWT) says: “The Masjids of Allah shall be maintained only by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, perform Salat, give Zakat and fear not but Allah. […]

Salatul Jum’at in Muslims’ life
Salatul Jum’at in Muslims’ life

In the Shari’ah of Islam, the provision of structures for Jum’at service occupies a highly esteemed status in the minds of Muslims. That is why Allah (SWT) says: “The Masjids of Allah shall be maintained only by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, perform Salat, give Zakat and fear not but Allah. It is they who are on true guidance” Al-Maidat Q.5 V.18
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) also said: “The most beloved area of land to Allah are the Masjids, while the most hateful are of land to Allah are its market places.” Reported by Muslim on the authority of Abu Hurairah. He even informed that: “Anyone who builds for Allah a Masjid; even if like a sand grouse’s breeding-place {i.e. a bird’s nesting-place}, Allah shall build for him a house in the Garden of Bliss.” Reported in Ibn Hiban’s Collection as Hadith no 1610 on the authority of Abu Dharin (RA).
Moreso, Allah Ta’ala has exalted the affair of Salatul Jum’at when He says: “Oh you who have believed! When the call is proclaimed for Salat on Friday, then you are to proceed on to the remembrance of Allah and leave off sales. That is better for you if you could know.” Al-Jum’ah Q.62 V.9
This assertion is because of its special characteristics; namely:
• On Friday was completed the creation of the heavens ant the earth;
• On it Adam was created;
• On it he was placed in the Garden of Eden:
• On it he was driven out of the Garden.
• Also on Friday shall be the Hour;
• Even within it there is a period of Divine Answer that whoever coincides with it will have his demand met.
Allah is He Who chose Friday for this Ummah, while He let them {i.e. Jews and Christians} stray from it and so, the Jews replaced it with Saturday, just as the Nazarenes substituted Sunday for it. You ought to appreciate rather than ignore this Divine Grace!
This day is named Jum’at because of Muslim’s assembly in it for the weekly Jum’at Prayer. What matters is not to just provide a Masjid structure not for Salat to be regularly performed therein. When the caller invites to the Jum’at Prayer; uttering the well-known legal special words of: “Come on to perform Salat (twice)”. The invitation must be honoured. All of you Muslims must make a good choice for yourselves and “…direct yourselves (i.e. to Allah’s service) at every point of worship. Invoke Him making religion to Him sincere…”Al A’raaf Q.7 V.29
The books of Fiqh are even very explicit on the issue of the Khutbat or sermon of Jum’at Prayer. al-Muqaddimatul Izziyyat categorically states that: “Khutbat is not valid for proper delivery except with the arrival of a congregation that is large enough to constitute a Jum’at”. The least number is 12 persons.
Khutbat is for instructional directives on matters of this worldly life and the Hereafter affecting all and sundry. The difference is clear between a Jum’at Masjid that which Imam plays this role and another Masjid that which Imam is not proactive enough to deliver.
Jum’at Salat is such an individual obligation that must be attended by every Muslim who is mature, sane, male, free, resident and healthy. That is why it is linked to jama’at in a Masjid, and to a khutbah from a resident Imam. For being an Eid, it is recommended for women. Imam Muslim reported on the authority of ‘Abdullah (RA) that the Prophet (SAW) said about some people who absent themselves from Jum’at Prayer: “I was about commanding a man to lead the congregation in prayer so as to go and burn the houses sheltering some men who absent themselves from Jum’at upon them.”  
However, attendance of Jum’at is in accordance to one’s own conditions. It is recommended for whoever that can go at an early time without jeopardising a more obligatory mission. The earlier the greater shall be one’s reward as par each of five periods speculated in the Hadith of Abu Hurairah (RA) that Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said:
“Anyone who takes the ritual Janabat bath on Friday and then sets out in the first hour shall be like one who offered a camel in sacrifice. He that sets out in the second hour will be like one who offered a cow in sacrifice. He that sets out in the third hour will be like one who offered a horned ram in sacrifice. He that sets out in the fourth hour will be like one who offered a hen in sacrifice. He that sets out in the fifth hour will be like one who offered an egg in sacrifice. Once the Imam comes out the Angels would come around listening to admonition”. Reported by both Bukhari and Muslim.
Allah’s Messenger (SAW) was the one who first performed Jum’at, when he arrived Yathrib, the former name of Madinah. On his migration, he initially stopped at one of its now suburbs known as Quba on Monday the 12th day of Rabi’ul Awwal before noon. He passed there Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during which period he established the Quba Masjid. Then he left on Friday intending Madinah.
When it was time for Zuhr prayer while the Prophet (SAW) was still on his way between Quba and Madinah Angel Jibril descended on him asking him to make two Raka’ats loudly and so, he made his first khutbat and observed the first ever Jum’at in Islam. People thus took the place for a masjid which they named Masjid of Jum’at. The service thereafter continued in his own Masjid at Yathrib which he renamed Madinah.
On Jum’at days Allah’s Messenger (SAW) used to have just one Muadhin (caller to prayers) and so, when he sat on the mimbar pulpit the Muadhin would stand at the Masjid’s entrance and make the call. Once he came down from the pulpit the Muadhin would make the Iqamat. Both AbuBakr and ‘Umar (RA) also continued like that until it was the caliphate of Uthman (RA) As the population increased and houses extended to far locations he added another Muadhin.
 It is therefore a duty on you to always appreciate Allah’s Grace upon you so that He increases His favours for you.
Dr. Rafee’ Owonla Busayree AL-Ijebuwi is Deputy Chief Imam of Kubwa Muslim Community, FCT, Abuja.