Sex scandal: Police quiz Chrisland School staff members, to detain culpable officials

Some officials of Chrisland Schools were quizzed on Thursday by the police at the State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department in Panti, Yaba, Lagos, over a sex scandal involving some pupils of the school at a hotel in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.   Daily Trust also learnt that some of the school officials found complicit […]

Sex scandal: Police quiz Chrisland School staff members, to detain culpable officials

Some officials of Chrisland Schools were quizzed on Thursday by the police at the State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department in Panti, Yaba, Lagos, over a sex scandal involving some pupils of the school at a hotel in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.  

Daily Trust also learnt that some of the school officials found complicit in the act would be detained by the police.

The Lagos State Police Command had commenced investigation into the incident and invited all the parties.

It was gathered that the staff members could not report at Panti on Wednesday as the school management had a meeting with some officials of the Lagos State Government.

The Police Public Relations Officer in the state, SP Benjamin Hundeyin, in an interview with our correspondent on Thursday evening, said those invited were already in Panti.

He said, “The invited people have shown up and as I speak to you (around 7.30pm), they are at State CIID, Panti. They are still giving their statements.”

When asked if they would be released later in the day or not, the PPRO said, “I don’t know. When they finish writing their statements, we are going to read it. That is what will determine the person we can tell to go or the person that has more case to answer and we can tell you are not going. It is after they write their statements that we can determine that.”

Hundeyin, however, did not also disclose the number of persons invited, saying “investigation is ongoing. We have to preserve our investigation.”

A woman had alleged in a video that went viral on Monday that her 10-year-old daughter was sexually abused during the school’s participation in the World School Games at Dubai, claiming that the school conducted a pregnancy test on her without the parents’ consent.

The school authorities denied the allegations, saying all the pupils involved in the act had been disciplined.

The Lagos State Government had shut down all Chrisland Schools in the state pending the outcome of investigation by security agents.