Signs of Allah’s love for His servant and ways to attain it

Ustaz Shuaib enumerated the virtuous traits while speaking on “Signs of Allah’s Love for His Servant and Ways to Attain It” at the monthly lecture of the Organisation of Tadhamunul Muslimeen (OTM), the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) chapter.He listed the ways to attain Allah’s love below:a. Faith in Allah: The prophet of Allah (SAW) in […]

Signs of Allah’s love for His servant and ways to attain it
Signs of Allah’s love for His servant and ways to attain it

Ustaz Shuaib enumerated the virtuous traits while speaking on “Signs of Allah’s Love for His Servant and Ways to Attain It” at the monthly lecture of the Organisation of Tadhamunul Muslimeen (OTM), the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) chapter.
He listed the ways to attain Allah’s love below:
a. Faith in Allah: The prophet of Allah (SAW) in one hadith said the most beloved action was to have faith in Allah, before he mentioned good relationship with one’s family, commanding the good and forbidding the bad.
In Suratul Hujurat verse 7, Allah says “And know that among you is the messenger of Allah. If he were to obey you in much of the matter, you would be in difficulty, but Allah has endeared to you the faith and has made it pleasing in your hearts.”
b. Having grounded knowledge about Allah (SWT) through His Names, Attributes, and Actions.
c. By reciting the Glorious Qur’an, understanding its meanings, practising its messages and calling people to the messages.
d. By loving the prophet of Allah and emulating his exemplary character being the leader of the believers.
e. By practicing all actions and activities which the prophet said could increase faith (iman), including honouring the guests and the neighbours as well as spending of time in the mosque.
f. By spending on the cause of Allah. “Never will you attain the good (reward) until you spend (in the way of Allah) from that which you love. And whatever you spend, indeed Allah is knowing of it. Suratul Al-Imran verse 92.
g.Through good behavior.  We have to know Ihsan (good), love to do it, move with those who are closer to it and aspire to get the reward on good. “And spend in way of Allah and do not throw yourselves with your own hands into destruction (by refraining) and do good. Indeed, Allah loves the doers of good. Suratul Baqara. The most beloved servant of Allah is the best in character among them.
“So Allah gave them the reward of this world and the good reward of the hereafter. And Allah loves the doers of good. Suratul Al-Imran 148
g. By repenting to Allah and purifying one’s body, soul and environment. This involves giving preference to ritual bath such as Gusl Janab, Gusl Hayid and Gusl Nifaas; constant ablution without minding the period of Salat alone, purification of clothes, wears, home and surroundings because purity is part and parcel of faith.
“And they ask you about menstruation, Say it is harm. So keep away from wives during menstruation and do not approach them until they are pure….Indeed Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves. Suratul Baqara verse 222.
h. By fearing Allah. You can fear Allah when you identify the do’s and don’ts which He mentioned in the Glorious Qur’an and you use them to guide your life. Read from the history of the God-fearing people. “So as long as they are upright toward you, be upright toward them. Indeed Allah loves the righteous (who fear him). Suratu Tauba verse 4, 7.
i. Being patient and steadfast. You can sustain patience when you avoid what can cause anger and you constantly remember the reward mentioned in the Qur’an and hadith when you exercise patience. “And how many a prophet with him fought many religious scholars. But they never lost assurance due to what afflicted them in the cause of Allah, nor did they weaken or submit. And Allah loves the steadfast. Suratul Al-Imran Verse 146.
j. By relying on Allah. You have to believe that all the good are from Allah. You can fully rely on Allah when you limit the lust for wealth and understand that the evil comes from what man does with his hands.
“So by mercy from Allah (O Muhammad) you were lenient with them and if you had been rude (in speech) and harsh in heart, they would have disbanded from you. So pardon them and ask forgiveness from them and consult them in the matter. And when you have decided, then rely upon Allah. Indeed Allah loves those who rely (upon Him). Al-Imran vs 159          
k. By performing prayer.  This involves closeness to the mosque. The prophet says the most beloved act to Allah is prayer, then good to the parents, then striving in the cause of Allah.
l. Commanding good, forbidding evil and strengthening the bond of kinship or family tie. A man from Khath’am said the prophet of Allah said the most beloved act to Allah is faith in Allah, then family tie, then command good and forbid bad. You have to love and respect every member of your family for the sake of Allah even if they don’t love you. Cater for their needs within your capacity. Attend family gathering.
m. Consistency of action. The most beloved act to Allah is a consistent one even if it is little.
n. Abstinence from life. A certain man came to Prophet Muhammad and said Oh messenger of Allah. Let me be guided to a work which if I do Allah will love me and people will also love. Then the prophet said forsake worldly pleasure, Allah will love you and forsake with regard to what people have, people will love you.
This can attained when you limit aspiration for worldly material, understand the fake nature of worldly material and satisfy yourself psychologically.
In conclusion: The prophet said : Verily Allah the most high said, anyone who is hostile to my favourite friend, I declare war against him. My servant will not approach me with anything that I love most except with what I made compulsory on him and my servant will not continue approaching me with voluntary act, until I like him, and when I love him, I will become his sense of hearing with which he hears and his sight with which he sees and his hand with which he spreads and his foot with which he walks and if he asks me (something) I shall definitely give him and if he seeks my protection, I shall surely protect him.