Still on CCSG and its storm in a teakettle

In my last column last week I dismissed as a storm in teakettle the public outrage which followed President Muhammadu Buhari’s February sack of the councils and vice-chancellors the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) and of the twelve federal universities President Goodluck Jonathan established in the run-up to the 2011 general elections. As if […]

Still on CCSG and its storm in a teakettle
Still on CCSG and its storm in a teakettle

In my last column last week I dismissed as a storm in teakettle the public outrage which followed President Muhammadu Buhari’s February sack of the councils and vice-chancellors the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) and of the twelve federal universities President Goodluck Jonathan established in the run-up to the 2011 general elections.
As if to prove me wrong, the following day President Buhari was widely reported to have gone back on the sack and apologized for not going about it the right way in a remark at a meeting of his party’s National Executive Council at its headquarters.
A civil society organization, the Coalition of Civil Society Group (CCSG) which I dismissed as “dubious” because of its reputation of being available for hire, had led the attack on Buhari’s decision and even gone on to sue him. Its main focus, however, was the sack of the vice-chancellor of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Professor Vincent Tenebe, who had managed to get himself a two-year extension from its council last May, ahead of the expiry of his five-year term which ended last October.
News report of Buhari’s reversal credited him with saying  “We gave a blanket order which we had to rescind when we said all boards are suspended or dissolved. We had to go back and lick our vomit in terms of universities councils because we found out that according to their laws, they cannot choose vice chancellors unless the councils sit and interview candidates who want to be VCs.
“So, there is nothing wrong in saying sorry and going back on your decision. So, we said sorry and allow all the universities to continue with their councils. So, please, try to bear with us as we reflect on where we found ourselves.”
Predictably the CCSG has since seized the president’s apparent apology to sort of crow about how right it was to have criticized his decision. It praised the president for his courage in accepting he was wrong. As a result it has, it said, decided after an emergency meeting of its executive council member to withdraw its suit at the National Industrial Court (NIC/ABJ/64/2016) filed against the president and the Federal Ministry of Education.
“Nigerians,” it concluded, “are watching and anxiously waiting to see this open apology made by you come into fruition because much is expected of this government.”
However, before it rolls out its drum in celebration of its success it should tarry a while because its victory may be more apparent than real, certainly as far as the case of the NOUN vice-chancellor, its principal interest, is concerned.
The day Buhari reportedly reversed himself I received a call from Professor Auwalu Yadudu, the distinguished constitutional lawyer and academic at Bayero University Kano and an apparent beneficiary of the controversial sack, as the vice-chancellor of the Birnin Kebbi university. I was in far away Doha, Qatar, attending this year’s annual congress of the International Press Institute, the global network of editors, publishers and leading journalists for media freedom based in Vienna, Austria.
He had sent a text earlier on my text only number in reaction to my column to explain to me that he had had to decline his appointment because it had “fallen far short of due process” and was “of very questionable legal basis.” Knowing the professor as a man of integrity and knowing how twice he has lost the election for the vice-chancellorship of his university and did not bother to contest a third time even though he was searched for, it got me worried that he would decline an opportunity to become one, especially since the nomination came from our mutual friend, the minister of education, Malam Adamu Adamu.
I quickly returned Yadudu’s call from a local service provider and he explained to me for close to 15 minutes that, contrary to my position, there were indeed laws setting up the universities. True, he said, President Jonathan’s 12 federal universities operated for almost five years without laws but he enacted them in the twilight of his administration, apparently to little or no publicity.
As if to add more to my discomfiture, I received a text from Professor Taoheed Adedoja, the pro-chancellor of the Dutse federal university, last Saturday, a day after my return from Doha, which agreed with Yadudu. Contrary to my assertion in my column, Adedoja said, he had in his possession the law establishing the Dutse university and he is willing to send me a copy. I’ve reproduced the text below.
His text and the other reactions by text and email that I have reproduced below, suggest that I too, like the president, may have got some of my facts wrong even though it is not clear which of his decisions he was referring to in his remarks between the first decision in mid-July last year, which affected only the councils of all federal universities and which he had since reversed, and the second last month, which affected both the councils and vice-chancellors of President Jonathan’s 12 universities and NOUN.
Whichever one the president is referring to, I owe my readers an unreserved apology for getting some of my facts wrong, especially regarding the state of origin of some of the vice-chancellors as attested to by some of the texts below. However, I owe no one any apology about my position on NOUN whose vice-chancellor got himself a surreptitious two-year extension that has no basis in law, an action that clearly raised questions about the integrity of its council members.
With its record of defending dubious causes as a civil society organization, one cannot but question its cries about wolves. Even then the president should listen to it and hasten to clarify the ambiguity surrounding his apparent apology so that the huge mess he inherited from his predecessor on the 13 universities in question can be properly sorted out.
And now the reactions to last week’s piece:  
I refer to your column of yesterday reacting to comments on the sack of 13 university VCs and their councils. I think it was a case of how not to defend the Buhari government. I am a die-hard admirer of Adamu Adamu the columnist and was HUGELY disappointed by that action.
Surely, even if there is no law legalising the existence of the universities, there are conventions and there is precedence. To sack a VC by fiat after two years in office as the case of that of Kebbi and one other is simply unjust.
To appoint FOUR (or three if you want to be technical) VCs from the same university-BUK- shows an unbelievable insensitivity. It is attitudes like that (Nothing will happen) that erodes credibility and support faster than any other. And where is the JUSTICE? It will be sad if Adamu Adamu does not strive to live up to his writings. Your article, Sir, was a disservice to the government.
Bala Muhammad Dalhatu
Federal University of Technology
Minna. [email protected]

I am the Pro-Chancellor of Federal University, Dutse and I have a copy of our university law contrary to your misinformation to the public in your article of today, March 23.
Prof. Taoheed Adedoja +2348066405999.
A little correction. In addition to Auwalu Yadudu, Profs Abdallah Uba and Fatima Batool are all from Kano.
Abdullahi, Kaduna.  +2348034420831.
Professor Abdallah Uba Adamu, the VC of NOUN is also from Kano. And, sir, even perception in matters of national importance should not be taken for granted. So use your relationship with the honourable minister and properly counsel him.
Comrade Dauda Sabuwar Unguwa,
Katsina. +2348165270879.

I am always amused when I see or hear a group of people protest over issues. The reason is most members of the protesting group are uninformed of what are the real motives of the protest. But it baffles me when enlightened and "learned" persons join the group one way or the other. The reality is, social media addicts are given to believing anything that comes their way. It is bad that Nigerians do not think over and check anything these days especially when it has to with "one of their own".
Such groups, be they defenders of democracy, conscience, justice, this or that, are a bunch of unregulated noise makers that should be ignored. Your record of this group’s past activities is good information.
Gyaanyi Cher
[email protected]

Kindly lend your credible voice in favor of my humble request to the honorable minister of education in your popular columns. I sent you a text message earlier today after reading your column in The Nation.
NOUN has graduated three sets of Law graduates now and the authorities that be have refused to allow them to go to law school. A lot of young promising Nigerians below the age of 30 years have also graduated from NOUN in other areas and they have also refused to call them for NYSC. All these steps will kill NOUN which is one educational policy that can catapult Nigeria educationally.
Fabiyi Adebanji, [email protected]
Thank you very much for throwing light on the "sacked vcs" and their "defenders". It makes sense that the Minister and indeed the government are being criticized and condemned by the same group that stoutly defended MAINA and ABBA MORO COALITION OF CRUDE SCUMBAGS GROUP! They’re nothing but a bunch of political jobbers and prostitutes!!
SB Yakubu
[email protected]