THE BEARING: Is Cupping Therapy Replacing The Hausa Kaho?

Download Here: There’s no denying the appeal of cupping therapy’s mainstream success. It’s accessible, often marketed as a way to treat multiple ailments at once. But the practice of Hausa Kaho is unique. It’s embedded in a deep understanding of the local context and personalized treatment. But, with the global spotlight now on cupping therapy […]

THE BEARING: Is Cupping Therapy Replacing The Hausa Kaho?

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There’s no denying the appeal of cupping therapy’s mainstream success. It’s accessible, often marketed as a way to treat multiple ailments at once. But the practice of Hausa Kaho is unique. It’s embedded in a deep understanding of the local context and personalized treatment.

But, with the global spotlight now on cupping therapy – is this new trend slowly overshadowing the rich, traditional Kaho practice?

NIGERIA DAILY: Why Bread Is Still Expensive Despite Falling Flour Prices

THE BEARING: Why Is The Tradition Of Facial Mark Declining In Northern Nigeria?

Join us on this episode of The Bearing to find out.


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