The more you look…

Anna Chapman was a supermodel living in the USA.  She had granted several interviews to celebrity TVs on different subjects and was seen as a sex idol of sorts. Until June this year.  She was revealed as an undercover Russian SVR (new KGB) agent, who alongside nine others, were ferreting out information about the USA’s […]

The more you look…
The more you look…

Anna Chapman was a supermodel living in the USA.  She had granted several interviews to celebrity TVs on different subjects and was seen as a sex idol of sorts. Until June this year.  She was revealed as an undercover Russian SVR (new KGB) agent, who alongside nine others, were ferreting out information about the USA’s strategic plans.  It was, for two weeks, a very sensational news item, and since a beautiful lady was in the mix, avid TV addicts lapped it all up.  Then, in an anticlimax, the USA exchanged the 10 spies whom they were holding, with 10 of theirs who were already being held in Russia!  Indeed, the aim of tracking down the Russian spies was to swap them for their own spooks who were already being held in Russia.

The frequent occurrences of espionage should confirm to doubters that in this world, nobody is alone and no one’s destiny is strictly determined by his/her actions alone, let alone a whole nation and one as strategic as this country – Nigeria.  In other words, Nigeria’s fate is often determined by the superpower countries.  To buttress my point, in the week when a spy-swap was arranged between the USA and Russia, a minor news item appeared on international TV when a 25-year old British spy, Daniel Houghton, tried to sell some of Britain’s secrets to Dutch agents.  Even I was taken aback that there could be spying going on between those two close countries under the European Union.  But we live in a world where, the more you look…

On March 29, 2010, a South Korean ship with 100 crew members was sunk allegedly by North Korea.  The investigator, judge and jury, was of course the almighty USA.  For several weeks, the terrible Mrs Clinton tried to stoke the anger of South towards North Korea.  She threatened fire and brimstone and some expected a world war to have broken forth.  What no one asked was why North Korea would have left its name on the torpedo which sank the South Korean ship.  What stops any enemy of North Korea from doing the damage and implicating that country?  Is it logical to commit a crime that has a huge consequence and leave one’s names all over the crime scene?  Thankfully, the Koreans (north and south), both saw that they were being pushed into mutual destruction by Mrs Clinton and they saved us all from the jaws of another global madness – World War III – until this week, when we heard of another set of hostilities in that region.  The USA desperately needs war there for whatever reasons!

Aung San Suu Kyi has been under house arrest in her native Myanmar for 15 out of the last 21 years.  Until recently.  She is photogenic and can speak good English, and is therefore a magnet for the global media, who usually play up her delicate feminine side and accentuate the male, chauvinistic brute of her jailors – the military government of Myanmar.  But I did a double-take when I saw that Suu was married to an American.  Her husband, Michael Aris, was born in Cuba and worked as a Professor at Oxford University.  Suu Kyi herself had worked for the United Nations while living in New York.  Could she have been indoctrinated in the same way as many people whom we know have sold out their countries to the powerfully crippling influence of the West led by the United States?  Could that be why the military government of Myanmar is caging her?

It is instructive to note that Suu Kyi refused to leave Myanmar to see her husband on his death bed while he lay ill at Oxford.  She feared she would not be allowed back into Burma if she went to see the sick man.  Aris later died of prostate cancer on his 53rd birthday on the 27th of March, 1999.  I asked myself, how important politics can be that one will not pay one’s last respect to one’s dying husband?  I also see the influence of Suu Kyi’s western advisers in that decision.  Definitely, she was being used to subvert her government.  The USA has been selling ‘democracy’ like ‘kosai’ to each and every country that is dumb enough to believe it can solve all their problems, but Myanmar has resisted.  The wholesale purchase of the American brand of democracy is what has put Nigeria in the trouble it is in today.

But Suu Kyi has changed her rhetoric since being released, much to the chagrin of the puppet-masters.  Now she is asking for sanctions to be lifted off Myanmar.  Sanctions simply hurt the poorest people of her country.  Sanctions are targeted at making the ordinary people of a country angry and poor enough to start demonstrating and putting themselves in harm’s way.  It is an evil weapon that has increased global anger and poverty and Suu Kyi must have realised the harm she has done to her people whom she purports to love.  The global press has painted Myanmar’s military government in the colours of villainy, but we should ask; have military governments not worked for China, Malaysia, Indonesia and many more? Is monarchy not working in the UAE and so on?

The Nigerian arms saga came in at an auspicious time for the present administration and offered it an opportunity to play ‘good boy’ to the Western governments, after all the Iranian government led by Dr Ahmedinejjad, annoys them greatly.  But one should simply ask, what would the Iranians achieve by dumping that much arms and ammo on Nigeria?  If they meant to arm the ‘north’ against the ‘south’ of Nigeria, Muslims against Christians, would they not sneak the arms through friendly Islamic countries and straight into the north? And if the arms were meant for Gambia or Gaza, why make a stupid stopover in Nigeria?  Who is trying to bring Nigeria into the middle of the ruckus between Iran and the West?  Don’t we already have enough problems?  And what again was that I just saw on the CNN about some ‘suspicious package’ seized on a Delta (again?) cargo flight from Boston bound for Lagos?  Someone is out to nail Nigeria! Anyhow!

Just as all these ‘magic’ is going on, Mrs Clinton wakes up with another start… I can see the bags under her eyes each time she is on TV.  This time, her biggest worry is about splitting a united Sudan.  And she goes on TV to demand just that, saying the past (a united Sudan), is unacceptable.  I wonder what right these people have, to split African countries just because they need us to be smaller and inconsequential and disunited, and they want our resources for cheap.  The Americans must be having a jolly good laugh at the rest of us!  They have created a world of smoke and mirrors, where the more you look… the less you see.  It is Sudan they intend to split today. And they will achieve their aims.  But it may be Nigeria’s turn soon enough…