The very end of Western civilisation

I remember watching an interview on BBC sometime back, when Dambisa Moyo went to promote her book; ‘How The West Was Lost’.  Stephen Sackur, an otherwise intelligent and articulate man, chose instead to embarrass Ms Moyo, vehemently denying that the West as we know it, is going through a continuity crisis.   It was good to […]

The very end of Western civilisation
The very end of Western civilisation

I remember watching an interview on BBC sometime back, when Dambisa Moyo went to promote her book; ‘How The West Was Lost’.  Stephen Sackur, an otherwise intelligent and articulate man, chose instead to embarrass Ms Moyo, vehemently denying that the West as we know it, is going through a continuity crisis.   It was good to know that the whites, when the chips are down, are just like us Africans, they criticize; that they do not like to hear the truth said about themselves, and that they too would love to hold on to POWER (just like Ghadafi), even when the show is over for them.

For all the ingredients of a collapse of a civilization are there.  By the destructive activities of the current powers-that-be, all around the world, it is evident that short-term goals of torpedoing governments they do not like, will lead to the unintended consequence of a  petering out of all moral strength that the West pretended to have.  Another unintended consequence will be that the relevance of the West to the world, has  ceased to be the advancement of humanity and development, or even the furtherance of science and technology, with which in the past few centuries, it has made life on Earth more livable and has achieved great strides.  The relevance of the West, has all but boiled down to the creation of strife and the stoking of trouble for selfish reasons in many parts of the world.  This is in spite of the many challenges facing the world, which they have the capacity to help resolve in positive manners, but which they deliberately ignore or perpetuate.

Though there exist billions of very decent people in the Western world, their governments have gone bunkers, perpetrating violence on behalf of these good people, and of course pocketing the proceeds of war, while their society collapses around their regal feet.   This is another trait of collapsed civilizations; THE PRIVATIZATION OF PROFITS AND SOCIALIZATION OF LOSSES.  When banks and other big corporates in the Western world ran into trouble after spending money on frivolities, it was easy for Western governments to dip hands into the treasury and bail them out at the poor peoples’ expenses.  But when their poor people protest their poverty, they are ignored, lambasted and thrown into jail.  Also, it is clear that the Western countries want to continue a tired policy of oppression in Africa, plus the annexation of our physical and mental resources.

Ghadafi.  I think the stubborn guy merely tried to re-imagine how government should be organized. And he advocated for African Unity.  Granted that he made many mistakes, he certainly tried to bring to the world, an alternative way of doing things.  And the world is in desperate need of alternatives as we speak.  It is that alternative that the Western world, led by the USA and its sidekicks, UK and France, are trying to stifle BY ALL MEANS.

A cursory look at the ‘results’ of the so-called Arab Spring tells a story.  Zein Badawi, a BBC anchor, hosted the Tunisian Minister of Finance recently.  Her opening remark was; ‘Nine months after the ouster of President Ben-Ali, the people of Tunisia are back on the streets, disenchanted with their revolution’.  Egypt has currently recalled its Israeli Ambassador because of an escalating situation between them.  Gaza is being pounded by the Israelis, and the Palestinians are launching rockets.  60 people were killed in bombings across Iraq just two weeks ago.  In Afghanistan, it is war-without-end, and in Pakistan, they would want to seek refuge desperately in China, if only the USA will allow them have some peace, at any cost.  Pakistani taxi drivers who are the majority in Dubai, attest easily to the fact that the USA has always seen to the liquidation of any of their presidents who dares to criticize its policies and position in Pakistan.  Musharaf was good, they say, only because he praised the USA.  The case of ex-Mobil Lawyer now Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, is not any better?  Here in Cote D’Ivoire, the massacre committed by Ouattara’s men were hushed from camera’s views, and that country can never again be united!  Everywhere these westerners intervene all they leave is trouble, trouble, trouble!

Should we then add, that another attribute of collapsing civilizations, is that they have a sadistic tendency to watch other people cavort into violence, just for the thrill?  Because that is what the Western policy for every other country looks like right now, with newscasters reporting death and destruction (manufactured by their own governments), with smirks on their faces.  The Ghadafi government has shown those journalists too much magnanimity, unreciprocated, unappreciated.  He should have locked them out of Libya, like Assad did in Syria!

Say, why would the UK expend over 500million pounds prosecuting a war to remove an ‘irritating’ leader in a far away country, except it hopes to grab resources to recoup that expense?   Why would that country not use some of that huge amount, to try and create a new society, devoid of the injustices that created the recent riots?  Today Libya lay in total ruin, many thanks to unthinking Africans and the many sell-outs amongst us.  And the Libyans will soon start expressing their regrets as people are doing in Egypt today (I told them).  I also fail to see how the prosecution of a war in Libya, will help Obama to solve the huge economic troubles facing his nation, which may lead to his removal by 2012.

Oh Africa! ‘How long shall they kill our (few) prophets, while we stand aside and look (cheer)?’ asked the legendary Bob Marley…

The key reason why the Western world can only be on a one way street to ‘un-civilization’ is because of the insatiable greed embedded in their economic, social and governmental systems.  It is certain that no amount of resource-stealing from Libya or elsewhere, will solve the problems of the West.  What they have is a social problem, which has spun off an economic blackhole!  But falling civilizations never listen to the truth and are brought down usually by the very thing that gave them greatness.  Their strengths become their weaknesses.  In this case, subterfuge, espionage and lies are the albatross of western civilization.  While we look upon China, Russia and possibly Brazil to show the world a new direction, the few countries that have ‘emerged’ on the basis of Western patronage, would be lucky not to be dragged down into the abyss by the sheer weight of the western greed as they will demand for their pound of flesh on their way down.   As for black Africa, it is a pity that a few have chosen to eternally ‘mortgage’ the continent and people.  It is a tragedy that the Nigerian government recognized ‘REBELS’ as legitimate government.  That is a confirmation that the West is teleguiding our country into destruction! Nigeria broke ranks with the AU in doing this.  If these western governments are your friends, then you need no enemies!

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