A Physician's Diary

A Physician's Diary

Nigeria’s paternity crisis

Once upon a time, fatherhood used to be a matter of faith. A man could be assured that the woman he called his wife would be the mother of his childre

Dr Google will see you now

Picture this: It’s been three days and that pain in your back is still there. You’re starting to get a bit worried, so you do a bit of research on Goo

COVID-19: To vaccinate or not to vaccinate?

When scientists began searching for a vaccine for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in early 2020

A fate worse than death

Written for the Medical Women Association of Nigeria (Kano Branch), with permission of the patient.

2020: A year like no other (II)

In the month of June, amidst the lockdown, the spotlight shone on Kano again. This time, news of an increased number of mysterious deaths was being re