A Physician's Diary

A Physician's Diary

A Secret Problem

In the midst of all the chaos, sometimes, good things happen. A call from a patient made me extremely happy. I smiled throughout the day and was thank

Nigeria’s rape problem

As young girls, we were told, to sit a certain way, crossing our legs, poised daintily, making sure not to take up too much space on the chair. When I

The sense of smell

The sweet, exotic, smoky smell of incense after the rain reminds you lovingly, of home. The fragrance, like a lover’s arms, wraps itself around you te

The Nigerian Patient (II)

Thirdly, the average Nigerian patient is economical with the truth. Here, my people fall into two categories: those that tell outright white lies and

The Nigerian Patient (I)

One of the best books I read last year was titled: Be(com)ing Nigerian: A guide, by Elnathan John. It is a satirical approach to all things Nigerian;