Al-Bints Diary

Al-Bints Diary

Her ideal one

‘For someone who spent the better part of two hours making my favourite meal, you seem too quiet.’ Tahir observed, while trying to serve h

Beware of who?

‘Lying criminal, who ever heard of a two-month old baby having kwashiorkor?’ Maryam asked, hissing in anger. ‘Kwashiorkor? No, I thi

Might as well release Evans

I had no idea Tahir was in my room until I said the salams after my forenoon prayer was over. His voice cut through my thoughts as I raised my hands i

How not to disown your own

‘I hope His Royal Highness has learnt something from this.’ I said, putting my phone down and looking up at Tahir.  ‘Which of t

The change I see (II)

Continued from last week ‘You do know that the country’s chief revenue earner is crude oil don’t you? Well we are earning much less