Al-Bints Diary

Al-Bints Diary

A theory of ‘available records’

I waited until Tahir was comfortably seated on his favourite setttee before I handed him my phone and said. ‘For the first time since it became

Enforced responsibility II

My head was bowed because I was fully engrossed in reading my WhatsApp messages, so I didn’t hear Asabe’s approaching footsteps till she t

Enforced responsibility

‘Are you sure this is the way to the bank?’ I asked Asabe as soon as I turned my car into the next street. ‘Yes it is, just drive a

The sweet life of Dame and Andy

With only his bedside lamp on, the room was in virtual darkness. I was therefore greatly surprised, when I quietly slipped into my side of the bed, to

A president’s ghost advisers

‘Finally, it’s official Hubby dear, the president has no advisers.’ I said, holding a copy of the day’s newspaper in my hand a