Al-Bints Diary

Al-Bints Diary

His desperate remedy (II)

Sorry I dropped in almost unannounced.’ Kubra said, walking through the door as soon as I opened it for her. ‘I was already on my way home

My boldest step

  No wonder you sounded so excited when you called to tell me about it, you have got a lovely new home.’ I said to my friend Kubra, while w

Smoking the peace pipe in Katsina

In Katsina State, life is gradually returning to the village square. The sound of drums is now commonplace, with young men and women taking over the v

The 13th Law against the kids and the first-mover advantage

Our series on negotiation with kids continue.  If you think I’m obsessed with negotiation with children, you’re right.  It&rsquo

Vultures of the Northeast (II)

‘As you can see’ I lifted the placards to show him what I wrote on some of them, ‘we are calling them by name and asking the governm