Al-Bints Diary

Al-Bints Diary

The folly of Alhambra

‘But is this right Mummy?’ Little Bint asked as she stood atop the upstairs parking lot surveying the big beautiful garden below. ‘I

This bleak September

‘Assalamu alaikum, you are truly engrossed Hassana. Can you believe that I have stood here for two minutes and watched you work and not once did

Dear readers, once again it’s your turn to be heard. Here are some of your responses to previous editions of this column. Have a good weekend.

Re: The perfect polygamist May Allah SWT reward you abundantly for this  interesting edition of the diary. Although the topic addressed the bad g

The perfect polygamist (II)

Continued from last week ‘He has only one wife but he is the perfect polygamist. He knows just how to run a house without being unjust to anyone

The perfect polygamist

‘Tell me your secret’ I said to my friend Hajjoh, as soon as our salams and greetings were over. ‘You look so happy and radiant when