Al-Bints Diary

Al-Bints Diary

A night rain syndrome

‘How is the fasting, Hajiya Bint.’ My neighbour Habiba said as soon as we exchanged the salams. ‘Alhamdulillah, its actually going t

Candidates for grave sand

‘I thought Mahmoud was the only person sitting for WASC in this house,’ Tahir said, standing behind me at my writing table. ‘However

My special Ramadan blues

I walked into the sitting room and saw my niece, Hauwa, so deep in concentration that she didn’t even know I had entered. ‘This must be an

The things we do for love

‘You know what Hubby dearest? For the first time ever, I think I am ready to believe why a poll said we, Nigerians, are the happiest people on e

Re: Candidates for the grave sand

Dear readers, it’s your forum again. That time of the month when only your voices are heard on this page. Enjoy your responses to some issues de