Al-Bints Diary

Al-Bints Diary


Re: Of romance and finance Your insightful edition of Al-Bint’s Diary with the above title really portrays the dilemma faced by many Muslim yout

The devil’s handiwork

Tahir and I were quietly watching the network news when my phone began to ring. I looked up the name and rose to pick it up, only to feel myself being

Why isn’t she the wife? (II)

Barira’s narration continues ‘And I sat here after he (the driver) left, devastated and wondering what to do next. I was hurt and disappoi

Why isn’t she the wife?

I picked up my phone and looked at the name on the screen before I smiled and answered the call. ‘Assalamu alaikum, and there is no need to worr

Yes, love conquers all

Asabe could barely hide her irritation when she moved aside to let Mariya out of my house. Her brief ‘Assalamu alaikum,’ and handshake to