Al-Bints Diary

Al-Bints Diary

This silent evil

I picked the call reluctantly because I didn’t know the number and it was just after Magrib, the sunset prayer. I usually prefer to spend such a

Desperate co-wives

Maryam didn’t waste time with any niceties. She burst out the moment I picked her call by saying. ‘I ‘ve waited all day for your cal

Her third mountain of gold

I was moving ever so stealthily in order not to wake Tahir up but despite my determined effort, I did just that. Rising up from his pillow he looked s

From my mailbox

Re: Yes, she was here From Allah we are and surely to HIM is our return. This indeed is a great test from Allah and as Muslims, we have to accept it a

Yes, she was here

I left home the moment I got over the shock of the news Tahir told me. I had to, because there is only one person I know, in this town, for whom this